2023-08-02 11:15:11 -05:00

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{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}

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Priiloader icon

Priiloader aggiunge un livello di protezione da brick alla tua Wii. Essi si carica prima del Menu Wii (da lì il nome). Questo strumento può anche abilitare trucchi per il tuo Menu Wii, e può essere usato per avviare velocemente l'Homebrew Channel, BootMii o qualsiasi homebrew tu voglia!

Installazione di Priiloader

Installazione di Priiloader

{% capture notice-vwii-priiloader %} Priiloader 0.10.0 introduces vWii support!
There are some important things to take note of:

  • To fix the timestamp issues (FORE000006, wrong News Channel update time), you will need to generate a timestamp fix hack. More info on the page.
  • Installing a theme after installing Priiloader will brick your vWii.

And some things to enhance your vWii experience:

{{ notice-vwii-priiloader }}

Di cosa hai bisogno


Sezione 1 - Scaricare/Installare
  1. Download the Priiloader installer and LoadPriiloader apps.
  2. Extract both apps to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
Sezione 2 - Installare Priiloader
  1. Avvia l'Homebrew Channel sulla tua Wii.
  2. Avvia il Priiloader installer.
  3. Press the + Button on Wii Remote or the A Button on a GameCube controller. Install Priiloader Installing
  4. Press A to return to the Homebrew Channel.
Section III - Entering Priiloader

Priiloader will appear automatically after you install it. Simply exit the Homebrew Channel, and you should see the Priiloader menu: Priiloader menu

To enter it later on, simply run the "Load Priiloader" homebrew app. There are also other ways to enter Priiloader:

  • Holding RESET on a Wii while turning it on.
  • Holding the ESC key on a USB keyboard while turning on the console.

Configurazione di Priiloader

System Menu Hacks

  1. Launch the Homebrew Channel, and launch the Load Priiloader app.
  2. Scroll down to System Menu Hacks and press A. System menu hacks

If you have put the Priiloader installer on your USB drive, make sure you do not have an SD card inserted at the same time.
This causes Priiloader to fail to find the hacks_hash.ini file. {: .notice--warning}

  1. Press A on each hack you would like to enable. We reccommend that you enable "Block Disc Updates", "Block Online Updates", and "Region Free EVERYTHING". System menu hacks list
  2. Scroll down to save settings and press A.
  3. Press B to return to the main menu.
Click here for a full list of available System menu hacks.
Trucchi Descrizione
Block Disc Updates Rimuove lo schemo "Aggiornamento sistema Wii" incluso in alcuni giochi che ti costringe ad aggiornare la console per giocare.
Block Online Updates Disabilita gli aggiornamenti della tua Wii. Ogni aggiornamento fallirà con errore 32007.
Auto-Press A at Health Screen Preme automaticamente il pulsante A per saltare la schermata di "Salute e Sicurezza".
Replace Health Screen with Backmenu Cambia la schermata di "Salute e Sicurezza" con l'animazione riprodotta quando si ritorna al Menu Wii.
Move Disc Channel Ti permette dii spostare il Canale Disco dove vuoi nel Menu Wii. Normalmente è bloccato in alto a sinistra nella prima pagina.
Wiimmfi Patch v4 Patcha automaticamente tutti i giochi che avvi dal Canale Disco per essere usati con Wiimmfi.
480p graphics fix in system menu Risolve un piccolo problema con la definizione in 480p nel Menu Wii.
Remove NoCopy Save File Protection Consente di copiare i file di salvataggio normalmente non consentiti sulla scheda SD dalla Gestione Dati
Region Free EVERYTHING Disabilita i blocchi regionali per ogni applicazione Wii, anche quelli scaricati.
No System Menu Sounds AT ALL Disables all the Wii Menu sound effects. Currently broken.
No System Menu Background Music Disabilita la musica di sottofondo del Menu Wii.
Re-Enable Bannerbomb v2 Abilita l'exploit "Bannerbomb" sull'ultima versione Wii. Non necessario se l'Homebrew Channel è già installato.
OSReport to UsbGecko(slot B) Invia i log del Menu Wii a un dispositivo di debug nella memory card dello slot B.
OSReport to UsbGecko(GeckoOS,B) Invia i log del Menu Wii a un dispositivo di debug nella memory card dello slot B, se il Menu Wii è avviato con Gecko OS.
Force boot into Data Management Immediately loads the Wii menu into Data Management.
Force Standard Recovery Mode Automatically launches the console in recovery mode. Used to launch recovery discs, letting users unbrick their Wii systems.
Remove Diagnostic Disc Check Removes a check in the Wii to see if an inserted game matches the title ID of the "Wii Startup Disc".
No-Delete HAXX,JODI,DVDX,DISC,DISK,RZDx Re-enable channels with these title IDs (originally blocked in system updates due to them being exploits).
Force Disc Games to run under IOS249 Make discs use cIOS 249 as the game's IOS. While it cannot allow playing of burned games on its own, it is needed to play burned discs. (Can give you Error 002 on a non-burned game)
Remove Deflicker Removes the deflicker filter and makes the Wii Menu appear clearer.
Block Disc Autoboot This prevents the Wii from instantly launching discs with title IDs starting with 0 or 1 (0x30, 0x31).
Allow TitleID RAAE, 408x, 410x Allows the Wii Menu to read the discs with the title IDs RAAE (Wii Startup Disc), 408x and 410x (Wii Backup Disc)
Remove IOS16 Disc Error Allows the Wii Menu to launch discs (this is only the Wii Backup Disc) that use IOS16.
Mark Network Connection as Tested Enables the Use This Connection button in the Internet connection settings, regardless of the results of the last connection test.
Always enable WiiConnect24 for vWii Enables WiiConnect24 & Standby Connection every time the Wii menu starts. Requires a reboot after enabling.
Create message via Calendar button (vWii) Clicking on the Calendar button opens the Create Message menu instead of the Calendar, allowing the user to create Memos, send messages to, and register Wii friends.

Continue to the Dos and Don'ts of Wii Modding
These are some guidelines to ensure you don't brick your Wii. {: .notice--info}

Additional options

These are some extra things you can do with Priiloader to enhance your homebrew experience. This is optional.

Avvio automatico con Priiloader

Priiloader allows you to automatically boot to the Homebrew Channel, an individual homebrew application, or Priiloader itself. This is optional.

Avvio automatico di un'applicazione Homebrew

{% capture UNEO %} If you would like to autoboot USB loader GX, do this first:

  • Download the USB Loader GX forwarder WAD (Wii, vWii).
  • Download the UNEO Channel Booter for Priiloader.
  • Install the forwarder WAD with a WAD manager like Wii Mod Lite.
  • Extract the UNEO Channel Booter for file anywhere.
  • Copy uneoboot.dol to the root of your SD card.

You will be installing uneoboot.dol in step 3. {% endcapture %}

{{ UNEO | markdownify }}
  1. Launch the Homebrew channel, then launch the Load Priiloader app.
  2. Scroll down to Load/Install file and press A. Load/Install file
  3. Scroll through the menu until your desired homebrew app is highlighted, and press A to install it. Installing a Homebrew app Installing a Homebrew app OK
  4. Press B to go back to the main menu.
  5. Scroll down to Settings and press A. Impostazioni
  6. Press Right to cycle through the Autoboot options until Installed file is selected. Autoboot: Installed File
  7. Scroll down to save settings and press A. Saving settings
  8. Press B to return to the main menu.
  9. Scroll back up to System Menu and press A.

Your Wii should now automatically boot to whichever homebrew app you installed.

Avvio automatico dell'Homebrew Channel o Priiloader
  1. Launch the Homebrew Channel, then launch the Load Priiloader app.
  2. Scroll down to Settings and press A. Impostazioni
  3. Press Right to cycle through the Autoboot options until your desired option is selected.
    Disabled will autoboot to the Priiloader menu.

Please don't set Autoboot to BootMii IOS. You will get stuck in a loop until you continuously hold the RESET button to enter the Priiloader menu. {: .notice--warning}


  1. Scroll down to save settings and press A. Saving settings
  2. Press B to return to the main menu.
  3. Scroll back up to System Menu and press A.