GPUCode dfa2fd0e0d
Add vulkan backend (#6512)
* code: Prepare frontend for vulkan support

* citra_qt: Add vulkan options to the GUI

* vk_instance: Collect tooling info

* renderer_vulkan: Add vulkan backend

* qt: Fix fullscreen and resize issues on macOS. (#47)

* qt: Fix bugged macOS full screen transition.

* renderer/vulkan: Fix swapchain recreation destroying in-use semaphore.

* renderer/vulkan: Make gl_Position invariant. (#48)

This fixes an issue with black artifacts in Pokemon games on Apple GPUs.
If the vertex calculations differ slightly between render passes, it can
cause parts of model faces to fail depth test.

* vk_renderpass_cache: Bump pixel format count

* android: Custom driver code

* vk_instance: Set moltenvk configuration

* rasterizer_cache: Proper surface unregister

* citra_qt: Fix invalid characters

* vk_rasterizer: Correct special unbind

* android: Allow async presentation toggle

* vk_graphics_pipeline: Fix async shader compilation

* We were actually waiting for the pipelines regardless of the setting, oops

* vk_rasterizer: More robust attribute loading

* android: Move PollEvents to OpenGL window

* Vulkan does not need this and it causes problems

* vk_instance: Enable robust buffer access

* Improves stability on mali devices

* vk_renderpass_cache: Bring back renderpass flushing

* externals: Update vulkan-headers

* gl_rasterizer: Separable shaders for everyone

* vk_blit_helper: Corect depth to color convertion

* renderer_vulkan: Implement reinterpretation with copy

* Allows reinterpreteration with simply copy on AMD

* vk_graphics_pipeline: Only fast compile if no shaders are pending

* With this shaders weren't being compiled in parallel

* vk_swapchain: Ensure vsync doesn't lock framerate

* vk_present_window: Match guest swapchain size to vulkan image count

* Less latency and fixes crashes that were caused by images being deleted before free

* vk_instance: Blacklist VK_EXT_pipeline_creation_cache_control with nvidia gpus

* Resolves crashes when async shader compilation is enabled

* vk_rasterizer: Bump async threshold to 6

* Many games have fullscreen quads with 6 vertices. Fixes pokemon textures missing with async shaders

* android: More robust surface recreation

* renderer_vulkan: Fix dynamic state being lost

* vk_pipeline_cache: Skip cache save when no pipeline cache exists

* This is the cache when loading a save state

* sdl: Fix surface initialization on macOS. (#49)

* sdl: Fix surface initialization on macOS.

* sdl: Fix render window events not being handled under Vulkan.

* renderer/vulkan: Fix binding/unbinding of shadow rendering buffer.

* vk_stream_buffer: Respect non coherent access alignment

* Required by nvidia GPUs on MacOS

* renderer/vulkan: Support VK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock for shadow rendering. (#51)

* renderer_vulkan: Port some recent shader fixes

* vk_pipeline_cache: Improve shadow detection

* vk_swapchain: Add missing check

* renderer_vulkan: Fix hybrid screen

* Revert "gl_rasterizer: Separable shaders for everyone"

Causes crashes on mali GPUs, will need separate PR

This reverts commit d22d556d30.

* renderer_vulkan: Fix flipped screenshot


Co-authored-by: Steveice10 <>
2023-09-13 01:28:50 +03:00

114 lines
3.9 KiB

// Copyright 2020 yuzu Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <cstddef>
#include <optional>
#include "video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_instance.h"
#include "video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_master_semaphore.h"
#include "video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_resource_pool.h"
namespace Vulkan {
ResourcePool::ResourcePool(MasterSemaphore* master_semaphore_, size_t grow_step_)
: master_semaphore{master_semaphore_}, grow_step{grow_step_} {}
std::size_t ResourcePool::CommitResource() {
// Refresh semaphore to query updated results
const u64 gpu_tick = master_semaphore->KnownGpuTick();
const auto search = [this, gpu_tick](std::size_t begin,
std::size_t end) -> std::optional<std::size_t> {
for (std::size_t iterator = begin; iterator < end; ++iterator) {
if (gpu_tick >= ticks[iterator]) {
ticks[iterator] = master_semaphore->CurrentTick();
return iterator;
return std::nullopt;
// Try to find a free resource from the hinted position to the end.
std::optional<std::size_t> found = search(hint_iterator, ticks.size());
if (!found) {
// Search from beginning to the hinted position.
found = search(0, hint_iterator);
if (!found) {
// Both searches failed, the pool is full; handle it.
const std::size_t free_resource = ManageOverflow();
ticks[free_resource] = master_semaphore->CurrentTick();
found = free_resource;
// Free iterator is hinted to the resource after the one that's been commited.
hint_iterator = (*found + 1) % ticks.size();
return *found;
std::size_t ResourcePool::ManageOverflow() {
const std::size_t old_capacity = ticks.size();
// The last entry is guaranted to be free, since it's the first element of the freshly
// allocated resources.
return old_capacity;
void ResourcePool::Grow() {
const size_t old_capacity = ticks.size();
ticks.resize(old_capacity + grow_step);
Allocate(old_capacity, old_capacity + grow_step);
constexpr size_t COMMAND_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE = 4;
struct CommandPool::Pool {
vk::CommandPool handle;
std::array<vk::CommandBuffer, COMMAND_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE> cmdbufs;
CommandPool::CommandPool(const Instance& instance, MasterSemaphore* master_semaphore)
: ResourcePool{master_semaphore, COMMAND_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE}, instance{instance} {}
CommandPool::~CommandPool() {
vk::Device device = instance.GetDevice();
for (Pool& pool : pools) {
void CommandPool::Allocate(std::size_t begin, std::size_t end) {
// Command buffers are going to be commited, recorded, executed every single usage cycle.
// They are also going to be reseted when commited.
Pool& pool = pools.emplace_back();
const vk::CommandPoolCreateInfo pool_create_info = {
.flags = vk::CommandPoolCreateFlagBits::eTransient |
.queueFamilyIndex = instance.GetGraphicsQueueFamilyIndex(),
vk::Device device = instance.GetDevice();
pool.handle = device.createCommandPool(pool_create_info);
const vk::CommandBufferAllocateInfo buffer_alloc_info = {
.commandPool = pool.handle,
.level = vk::CommandBufferLevel::ePrimary,
.commandBufferCount = COMMAND_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE,
auto buffers = device.allocateCommandBuffers(buffer_alloc_info);
std::copy(buffers.begin(), buffers.end(), pool.cmdbufs.begin());
vk::CommandBuffer CommandPool::Commit() {
const std::size_t index = CommitResource();
const auto pool_index = index / COMMAND_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE;
const auto sub_index = index % COMMAND_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE;
return pools[pool_index].cmdbufs[sub_index];
} // namespace Vulkan