2014-07-31 14:57:03 -04:00

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post Author Override billy_rick A post to test author overrides using a data file.

For those of you who may have content written by multiple authors on your site you can assign different authors to each post if desired.

Traditionally you would assign a global author for the entire site and those attributes would be used in all post bylines, social networking links in the footer, Twitter Cards, and Google Authorship. These owner variables defined in your config.yml

Start by creating an authors.yml file in the _data folder and add your authors using the following format.

{% highlight yaml %}


billy_rick: name: Billy Rick web: http://thewhip.com email: billy@rick.com bio: "What do you want, jewels? I am a very extravagant man." avatar: bio-photo.jpg twitter: extravagantman

cornelius_fiddlebone: name: Cornelius Fiddlebone email: cornelius@thewhip.com bio: "I ordered what?" avatar: bio-photo.jpg twitter: rhymeswithsackit {% endhighlight %}

To assign Billy Rick as an author for our post. We'd add the following YAML front matter to a post:

{% highlight yaml %} author: billy_rick {% endhighlight %}