320 lines
8.4 KiB
320 lines
8.4 KiB
# Code based on
import re
import os
import ast
import json
from jamo import hangul_to_jamo, h2j, j2h
from .ko_dictionary import english_dictionary, etc_dictionary
PAD = '_'
EOS = '~'
PUNC = '!\'(),-.:;?'
SPACE = ' '
JAMO_LEADS = "".join([chr(_) for _ in range(0x1100, 0x1113)])
JAMO_VOWELS = "".join([chr(_) for _ in range(0x1161, 0x1176)])
JAMO_TAILS = "".join([chr(_) for _ in range(0x11A8, 0x11C3)])
char_to_id = {c: i for i, c in enumerate(ALL_SYMBOLS)}
id_to_char = {i: c for i, c in enumerate(ALL_SYMBOLS)}
quote_checker = """([`"'"“‘])(.+?)([`"'"”’])"""
def is_lead(char):
return char in JAMO_LEADS
def is_vowel(char):
return char in JAMO_VOWELS
def is_tail(char):
return char in JAMO_TAILS
def get_mode(char):
if is_lead(char):
return 0
elif is_vowel(char):
return 1
elif is_tail(char):
return 2
return -1
def _get_text_from_candidates(candidates):
if len(candidates) == 0:
return ""
elif len(candidates) == 1:
return _jamo_char_to_hcj(candidates[0])
return j2h(**dict(zip(["lead", "vowel", "tail"], candidates)))
def jamo_to_korean(text):
text = h2j(text)
idx = 0
new_text = ""
candidates = []
while True:
if idx >= len(text):
new_text += _get_text_from_candidates(candidates)
char = text[idx]
mode = get_mode(char)
if mode == 0:
new_text += _get_text_from_candidates(candidates)
candidates = [char]
elif mode == -1:
new_text += _get_text_from_candidates(candidates)
new_text += char
candidates = []
idx += 1
return new_text
num_to_kor = {
'0': '영',
'1': '일',
'2': '이',
'3': '삼',
'4': '사',
'5': '오',
'6': '육',
'7': '칠',
'8': '팔',
'9': '구',
unit_to_kor1 = {
'%': '퍼센트',
'cm': '센치미터',
'mm': '밀리미터',
'km': '킬로미터',
'kg': '킬로그람',
unit_to_kor2 = {
'm': '미터',
upper_to_kor = {
'A': '에이',
'B': '비',
'C': '씨',
'D': '디',
'E': '이',
'F': '에프',
'G': '지',
'H': '에이치',
'I': '아이',
'J': '제이',
'K': '케이',
'L': '엘',
'M': '엠',
'N': '엔',
'O': '오',
'P': '피',
'Q': '큐',
'R': '알',
'S': '에스',
'T': '티',
'U': '유',
'V': '브이',
'W': '더블유',
'X': '엑스',
'Y': '와이',
'Z': '지',
def compare_sentence_with_jamo(text1, text2):
return h2j(text1) != h2j(text)
def tokenize(text, as_id=False):
text = normalize(text)
tokens = list(hangul_to_jamo(text))
if as_id:
return [char_to_id[token] for token in tokens] + [char_to_id[EOS]]
return [token for token in tokens] + [EOS]
def tokenizer_fn(iterator):
return (token for x in iterator for token in tokenize(x, as_id=False))
def normalize(text):
text = text.strip()
text = re.sub('\(\d+일\)', '', text)
text = re.sub('\([⺀-⺙⺛-⻳⼀-⿕々〇〡-〩〸-〺〻㐀-䶵一-鿃豈-鶴侮-頻並-龎]+\)', '', text)
text = normalize_with_dictionary(text, etc_dictionary)
text = normalize_english(text)
text = re.sub('[a-zA-Z]+', normalize_upper, text)
text = normalize_quote(text)
text = normalize_number(text)
return text
def normalize_with_dictionary(text, dic):
if any(key in text for key in dic.keys()):
pattern = re.compile('|'.join(re.escape(key) for key in dic.keys()))
return pattern.sub(lambda x: dic[x.group()], text)
return text
def normalize_english(text):
def fn(m):
word = m.group()
if word in english_dictionary:
return english_dictionary.get(word)
return word
text = re.sub("([A-Za-z]+)", fn, text)
return text
def normalize_upper(text):
text = text.group(0)
if all([char.isupper() for char in text]):
return "".join(upper_to_kor[char] for char in text)
return text
def normalize_quote(text):
def fn(found_text):
from nltk import sent_tokenize # NLTK doesn't along with multiprocessing
found_text = found_text.group()
unquoted_text = found_text[1:-1]
sentences = sent_tokenize(unquoted_text)
return " ".join(["'{}'".format(sent) for sent in sentences])
return re.sub(quote_checker, fn, text)
number_checker = "([+-]?\d[\d,]*)[\.]?\d*"
count_checker = "(시|명|가지|살|마리|포기|송이|수|톨|통|점|개|벌|척|채|다발|그루|자루|줄|켤레|그릇|잔|마디|상자|사람|곡|병|판)"
def normalize_number(text):
text = normalize_with_dictionary(text, unit_to_kor1)
text = normalize_with_dictionary(text, unit_to_kor2)
text = re.sub(number_checker + count_checker,
lambda x: number_to_korean(x, True), text)
text = re.sub(number_checker,
lambda x: number_to_korean(x, False), text)
return text
num_to_kor1 = [""] + list("일이삼사오육칠팔구")
num_to_kor2 = [""] + list("만억조경해")
num_to_kor3 = [""] + list("십백천")
#count_to_kor1 = [""] + ["하나","둘","셋","넷","다섯","여섯","일곱","여덟","아홉"]
count_to_kor1 = [""] + ["한","두","세","네","다섯","여섯","일곱","여덟","아홉"]
count_tenth_dict = {
"십": "열",
"두십": "스물",
"세십": "서른",
"네십": "마흔",
"다섯십": "쉰",
"여섯십": "예순",
"일곱십": "일흔",
"여덟십": "여든",
"아홉십": "아흔",
def number_to_korean(num_str, is_count=False):
if is_count:
num_str, unit_str = num_str.group(1), num_str.group(2)
num_str, unit_str = num_str.group(), ""
num_str = num_str.replace(',', '')
num = ast.literal_eval(num_str)
if num == 0:
return "영"
check_float = num_str.split('.')
if len(check_float) == 2:
digit_str, float_str = check_float
elif len(check_float) >= 3:
raise Exception(" [!] Wrong number format")
digit_str, float_str = check_float[0], None
if is_count and float_str is not None:
raise Exception(" [!] `is_count` and float number does not fit each other")
digit = int(digit_str)
if digit_str.startswith("-"):
digit, digit_str = abs(digit), str(abs(digit))
kor = ""
size = len(str(digit))
tmp = []
for i, v in enumerate(digit_str, start=1):
v = int(v)
if v != 0:
if is_count:
tmp += count_to_kor1[v]
tmp += num_to_kor1[v]
tmp += num_to_kor3[(size - i) % 4]
if (size - i) % 4 == 0 and len(tmp) != 0:
kor += "".join(tmp)
tmp = []
kor += num_to_kor2[int((size - i) / 4)]
if is_count:
if kor.startswith("한") and len(kor) > 1:
kor = kor[1:]
if any(word in kor for word in count_tenth_dict):
kor = re.sub(
lambda x: count_tenth_dict[x.group()], kor)
if not is_count and kor.startswith("일") and len(kor) > 1:
kor = kor[1:]
if float_str is not None:
kor += "쩜 "
kor += re.sub('\d', lambda x: num_to_kor[x.group()], float_str)
if num_str.startswith("+"):
kor = "플러스 " + kor
elif num_str.startswith("-"):
kor = "마이너스 " + kor
return kor + unit_str
if __name__ == "__main__":
def test_normalize(text):
test_normalize("JTBC는 JTBCs를 DY는 A가 Absolute")
test_normalize("오늘(13일) 101마리 강아지가")
test_normalize('"저돌"(猪突) 입니다.')
test_normalize('비대위원장이 지난 1월 이런 말을 했습니다. “난 그냥 산돼지처럼 돌파하는 스타일이다”')
test_normalize("지금은 -12.35%였고 종류는 5가지와 19가지, 그리고 55가지였다")
test_normalize("JTBC는 TH와 K 양이 2017년 9월 12일 오후 12시에 24살이 된다")