I have tried to install new windows machine for buildkite and updated
some scrips and docs on along the way.
- Updated base image for k8s agent installation as it gave a warning that
previous version was old.
- Now buildkite secret is configured in a powershell script along with
tags (and possible other parameters).
- Split "windows_agent_start.ps1" to "..jenkins" and "..buildkite" as
some parameters are different.
- Created a "windows-development" machine in GCP stat can be resumed
to build docker images / expriment.
Now report is constructed by adding more data from several stages and
represents internal structure rather what API expects.
+ Made all function that don't interact with phabricator free standing
+ Now links list all files in results directory
+ Status icons
Example comment: https://reviews.llvm.org/D71197#1779176 (links don't work).
E.g.: https://reviews.llvm.org/D71197?id=233029
Will add a link to file and code to apply the patch in the next PR.
+ don't create TARGET_DIR in scripts;
+ updated section about local build;
+ partially specified inputs / outputs of scripts so it's more transparent what are the results;
+ added symlink to compile_command.json (clang-tidy will need it);
+ add IDEA files to .gitignore.