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deployment to a clean infrastructure

General remarks:

  • GCP does not route any traffic to your services unless the service is "healthy". It might take a few minutes after startup before the services is classified as healthy. Until then you will only see some generic error message.

These are the steps to set up the build server on a clean infrastructure:

  1. Configure the tools on your local machine:
  2. Delete the old cluster, if it still exists:
    cd kubernetes/cluster
  3. Create the cluster:
    cd kubernetes/cluster
  4. Create the disk storage, if it does not yet exist:
    cd kubernetes/cluster
  5. SSH into the VM instance mounting the volume, find the mount point and then set
    # go to the mount point of the volume
    cd  /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/kubernetes.io/gce-pd/mounts/jenkins-home
    # change the permissions
    sudo chmod a+rwx
  6. Push the docker images to gcr.io:
    cd containers
    #for each subfolder:
    ./build_deploy.sh <foldername>
  7. Deploy the stack:
    cd kubernetes
  8. Configure it

creating basic authentication for reverse proxy

  1. create auth file, based on ingress-nginx documentation
    cd kubernetes/reverse-proxy
    htpasswd -c auth <username>
    # enter password at prompt
    # add more users as required
    kubectl create secret generic proxy-auth --from-file=auth --namespace=jenkins

Creating docker containers on Windows

If you want to build/update/test docker container for Windows, you need to do this on a Windows machine. Here are the instructions to set up such a machine on GCP.

General hints:

  1. Pick a GCP Windows image with Desktop Support.
  2. Use the "Server Manager" application to install the "features":
    • Containers
    • HyperV
  3. Install git with the default options: https://git-scm.com/download/win
  4. git clone https://github.com/google/llvm-premerge-checks.git
    • Register your ssh keys on the windows machine on github if you intend to push changes.
  5. Install docker: https://hub.docker.com/editions/community/docker-ce-desktop-windows
    • You will need a DockerHub account to download the installer.
    • Select "use Windows containers" during installation.
    • Start the "Docker Desktop" application, it will set up the required services for you.

Check your installation by running "docker build ." in the containers/agent_windows folder.