Fork 0
Mikhail Goncharov e703a856cb Add graceful termination period for linux agents
Now builds will not be dropped on cluster upgrades. That requires
container updates.
2021-05-14 14:56:18 +02:00

8.5 KiB


Development environment

You need will need recent python 3 installed, e.g. follow this installation guide. To install required packages run:

pip install -r ./scripts/requirements.txt


pip install jupyterlab pandas seaborn #  for jupyter labs.  

Testing scripts locally

Build and run agent docker image sudo ./containers/build_run.sh buildkite-premerge-debian /bin/bash.

Set CONDUIT_TOKEN with your personal one from https://reviews.llvm.org/settings/user/<USERNAME>/page/apitokens/.

Testing changes before merging

It's recommended to test even smallest changes before committing them to the main branch.

  1. Create a pull request here.

  2. Manually create a buildkite build in the pipeline you are updating and specify environment variable ph_scripts_refspec="pull/123/head". Replace 123 with your PR number. If you don't have access to create buildkite builds, please ask a reviewer to do that.

    To test "premerge-tests" pipeline pick an existing build and copy "ph_" parameters from it, omitting "ph_target_phid" to skip updating an existing review.

    See also custom environment variables.

  3. Wait for build to complete and maybe attach a link to it to your PR.

To test changes for the pipeline "setup" step please experiment on a copy first.

Deployment to a clean infrastructure

General remarks:

  • GCP does not route any traffic to your services unless the service is "healthy". It might take a few minutes after startup before the services is classified as healthy. Until then, you will only see some generic error message.

These are the steps to set up the build server on a clean infrastructure:

  1. Configure the tools on your local machine:
    If you not running docker under your user, you might need to sudo gcloud auth login --no-launch-browser && sudo gcloud auth configure-docker before running other commands under sudo.
  2. Delete the old cluster, if it still exists:
    cd kubernetes/cluster
  3. Create the cluster:
    cd kubernetes/cluster
  4. Push the docker images to gcr.io:
    cd containers
    #for each subfolder:
    ./build_deploy.sh <foldername>
  5. Deploy the stack:
    cd kubernetes
  6. Configure it

Creating docker containers on Windows

If you want to build/update/test docker container for Windows, you need to do this on a Windows machine.

Note: There is an existing windows-development machine that you can resume and use for development. Please stop it after use.

To setup new machine in GCP:

  1. Pick a GCP Windows image with Desktop Support.

    • pick a "persistent SSD" as boot Disk. This is much faster.
    • make sure that you give enough permissions in "Identity and API access" to be able to e.g. push new docker images to GCR.
  2. Format the local SSD partition and use it as workspace.

  3. install Chocolately:

    iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
  4. Install development tools: choco install -y git googlechrome vscode

  5. (optionally) If you want to be able to push changes to github, you need to set up your github SSH keys and user name:

    git config --global user.name <your name>
    git config --global user.email <your email>
  6. Clone premerge checks sources:

       cd c:\
       git clone https://github.com/google/llvm-premerge-checks
  7. Install Docker Enterprise and reboot:

    Install-Module DockerMsftProvider -Force
    Install-Package Docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider -Force
  8. Configure the Docker credentials for GCP:

    gcloud init # set options according to ./k8s_config here
    gcloud components install docker-credential-gcr
    docker-credential-gcr configure-docker

Build / test docker for Windows.

  1. To build and run a dockerfile:

    cd llvm-premerge-checks\containers
    .\build_deploy.ps1 agent-windows-buildkite
  2. To deploy container:

    cd llvm-premerge-checks\containers
    .\build_deploy.ps1 agent-windows-buildkite    


    cd llvm-premerge-checks\containers
    .\build_run.ps1 agent-windows-buildkite cmd

    Test this newly uploaded image:


Spawning a new windows agent

To spawn a new Windows agent:

  1. Go to the GCP page.
  2. Add new windows machine wih OS "Windows Server" and version with "desktop experience" (so you can RDP) and boot disk size ~200 Gb. There is a "windows-agent-template" that might not be up to date.
  3. Go to the GCP page again
  4. Login to the new machine via RDP (you will need a RDP client, e.g. Chrome app).
  5. (optional, quality of life) Add a powershell shortcut at desktop with "run as admin" flag. Create a folder with machine name (e.g "w16c2-2") somewhere and click "add new toolbar" on windows toolbar: this way it will be easier to identify which machine you are working with later.
  6. Run these commands in the power shell under admin to bootstrap the Windows machine:

Invoke-WebRequest -uri 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/google/llvm-premerge-checks/main/scripts/windows_agent_bootstrap.ps1' -OutFile c:\windows_agent_bootstrap.ps1 c:/windows_agent_bootstrap.ps1 ``` VM will be restarted after a prompt.

To start agent manually:

C:\llvm-premerge-checks\scripts\windows_agent_start_buildkite.ps1 [-workdir D:\] [-testing] [-version latest]

Custom environment variables

Buildkite pipelines have a number of custom environment variables one can set to change their behavior. That is useful to debug issues or test changes. They are mostly used by pipleine generators, e.g. pipeline_main, please refer to the source code for the details. These variables have ph_ prefix and can be set with URL parameters in Harbormaster build.

Most commonly used are:

  • ph_scripts_refspec: ("main" by default): refspec branch of llvm-premerge-checks to use. This variable is also used in pipeline "bootstrap" in Buildkite interface.
  • ph_dry_run_report: do not report any results back to Phabricator.
  • ph_no_cache: (if set to any value) clear compilation cache before the build.
  • ph_projects: which projects to use, "detect" will look on diff to infer the projects, "default" selects all projects.
  • ph_notify_email: comma-separated list of email addresses to be notified when build is complete.
  • ph_log_level ("DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING" (default) or "ERROR"): log level for build scripts.
  • ph_linux_agents, ph_windows_agents: custom JSON constraints on agents. For example, you might put one machine to a custom queue if it's errornous and send jobs to it with ph_windows_agents={"queue": "custom"}.
  • ph_skip_linux, ph_skip_windows (if set to any value): skip build on this OS.
  • ph_skip_generated: don't run custom steps generated from within llvm-project.

Update HTTP auth credentials

To update e.g. buildkite http-auth:

kubectl get secret http-auth -n buildkite -o yaml
# base64 decode it's data to 'auth'.
echo <data/auth from yaml> | base64 --decode > auth
# add / update passwords
htpasswd -b auth <user> <pass> 
# update secret
kubectl delete secret http-auth -n buildkite
kubectl create secret generic http-auth -n buildkite --from-file=./auth