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# Sign up for beta test
To sign up for the pre-merge tests, please add your user id to the [Herald rule](https://reviews.llvm.org/H511) triggering the builds. If you can't modify the rule yourself, please add a comment to [this issue](https://github.com/google/llvm-premerge-checks/issues/54) with your **Phabricator user name** and we'll add you.
# Requirements
To get a patch on Phabricator tested, the build server must be able to apply the patch on Phabricator to the checked out git repository. If you want to get your patch tested, please make sure that that either:
* You set a git hash as `sourceControlBaseRevision` in Phabricator which is available on the github repository,
* **or** you define the dependencies of your patch in Phabricator,
* **or** your patch can be applied to the master branch.
Only then can the build server apply the patch locally and run the builds and tests.
# Integration in Phabricator
Once you're signed up, Phabricator will automatically trigger a build for every new patch you upload or every existing patch you modify. Phabricator shows the build results at the top of the entry:

If a unit test failed, this is shown below the build status. You can also expand the unit test to see the details:

After every build the build server will comment on your latest patch, so that you can also see the results for previous changes. The comment also contains a link to the log files:

The build logs are stored for 90 days and automatically deleted after that.
You can also trigger a build manually by using the "Run Plan Manually" link on the [Harbormaster page](https://reviews.llvm.org/harbormaster/plan/3/) and entering a revision ID in the pop-up window.
# Reporting issues
If you notice any bugs, please create a [new issue](https://github.com/google/llvm-premerge-checks/issues/new).