2025-02-15 18:50:31 +09:00

164 lines
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using System.Linq;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
namespace RekornTools.Avatar
public sealed class TextureOptimizer : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] Transform _parent;
[SerializeField] [NotNull] Renderers _meshes = new Renderers();
[SerializeField] TexturePropertiesTable _propertiesTable;
[SerializeField] [ReadOnlyList] [ItemNotSpan] [NotNull] TexturesMapByType _texturesMap = new TexturesMapByType();
[SerializeField] TextureOptimizerSettings _optimizerSettings;
[SerializeField] [HideInInspector] Transform _prevParent;
[SerializeField] [HideInInspector] TexturePropertiesTable _prevTable;
void Awake() => _meshes.Initialize(_parent);
void OnValidate()
if (_prevParent != _parent || _prevTable != _propertiesTable) Refresh();
void Refresh()
_prevParent = _parent;
_prevTable = _propertiesTable;
void ResetTexturesMap()
_texturesMap.MatchDictionaryKey(_ => new Textures());
void AssignTexturesMap()
if (_propertiesTable == null) return;
foreach (var properties in _propertiesTable.TexturePropertiesMap.Values)
if (properties == null) continue;
foreach (var property in properties)
if (property == null) continue;
void AssignTextureProperty([NotNull] ShaderProperty property)
var type = property.TextureType;
if (type == TextureType.Ignore) return;
Textures GetTextureList([NotNull] ShaderProperty property)
var list = new Textures();
foreach (var mesh in _meshes)
if (mesh == null) continue;
return list.Count == 0 ? null : list;
void AddTextures(Material[] materials)
if (materials == null) return;
foreach (var material in materials)
if (TryFindMatchingTexture(material, property, out var texture))
void AppendTexture(Texture texture)
if (!list.Contains(texture)) list.Add(texture);
bool TryFindMatchingTexture([CanBeNull] Material material, [NotNull] ShaderProperty property, [CanBeNull] out Texture texture)
texture = null;
if (material == null) return false;
if (material.shader != property.Shader) return false;
if (!material.HasProperty(property.Name)) return false;
texture = material.GetTexture(property.Name);
if (texture == null) return false;
if (IsTextureExist(texture)) return false;
return true;
bool IsTextureExist([NotNull] Texture texture) =>
_texturesMap.Any(x => x.Value?.Contains(texture) == true);
void Optimize()
if (_propertiesTable != null) _propertiesTable.UpdateTable();
if (_optimizerSettings == null)
this.ShowConfirmDialog("You need to set the optimizer settings first.");
if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Warning"
, "This operation will reimport all textures from list. "
+ "This operation can't be undone, and takes huge amount of time."
, "Proceed"
, "Abort")) return;
ApplyPreset(_texturesMap, _optimizerSettings.PresetMap);
void ApplyPreset([NotNull] TexturesMapByType texturesMapByType, [NotNull] TexturePresetMapByType presets)
var count = 0;
var prevSize = new AssetSize(0L, 0L);
var newSize = new AssetSize(0L, 0L);
foreach (var map in texturesMapByType)
if (!presets.TryGetValue(map.Key, out var preset)) continue;
if (preset == null) continue;
if (map.Value == null) continue;
foreach (var texture in map.Value)
prevSize += AssetSize.GetAssetSize(texture);
AssetHelper.ApplyPreset(texture, preset);
newSize += AssetSize.GetAssetSize(texture);
var savedSize = newSize - prevSize;
this.ShowConfirmDialog($"Total {count} textures optimized.\n"
+ $"[Before] {prevSize.ToString()}\n"
+ $"[After] {newSize.ToString()}\n"
+ $"[Saved] {savedSize.ToString()}\n");