# $Id$
# Acknowledgment:
# The following code is a modified version of an original work written by
# Greg Schafer for the "DIY Linux" project and is included here with his
# permission.
# ref: http://www.diy-linux.org
set -e
: <<inline_doc
desc: creates the ICA report
input vars: $1 previous iteration
$2 current iteration
$3 ICA log dir
$4 directory where ICA iterations are stored
externals: --
modifies: --
returns: --
on error:
on success:
local RAWDIFF=/tmp/rawdiff.$$
local REPORT="${3}/REPORT.${1}V${2}"
cd $4
echo -e "Diffing ${1} and ${2}... " > $REPORT
diff -ur ${1} ${2} > $RAWDIFF || :
echo -e "The list of binary files that differ:\n" > $REPORT
grep "iles.*differ$" $RAWDIFF >> $REPORT
echo -e "The list of files that exist \"only in\" 1 of the directories:\n" >> $REPORT
if grep "^Only in" $RAWDIFF >/dev/null 2>&1; then
grep "^Only in" $RAWDIFF >> $REPORT
echo NONE >> $REPORT
grep -v "iles.*differ$" $RAWDIFF | \
grep -v "^Only in" > ${ICA_DIR}/${1}V${2}.ASCII.DIFF
rm -f $RAWDIFF