Removed --help output.

Moved version and VT100 colors to
This commit is contained in:
Manuel Canales Esparcia 2006-08-26 13:00:37 +00:00
parent 3c96826af4
commit 0818ea65a8
2 changed files with 43 additions and 175 deletions

View file

@ -2,173 +2,7 @@
# $Id$
set +e
# VT100 colors
declare -r BLACK=$'\e[1;30m'
declare -r DK_GRAY=$'\e[0;30m'
declare -r RED=$'\e[31m'
declare -r GREEN=$'\e[32m'
declare -r YELLOW=$'\e[33m'
declare -r BLUE=$'\e[34m'
declare -r MAGENTA=$'\e[35m'
declare -r CYAN=$'\e[36m'
declare -r WHITE=$'\e[37m'
declare -r OFF=$'\e[0m'
declare -r BOLD=$'\e[1m'
declare -r REVERSE=$'\e[7m'
declare -r HIDDEN=$'\e[8m'
declare -r tab_=$'\t'
declare -r nl_=$'\n'
declare -r DD_BORDER="${BOLD}==============================================================================${OFF}"
declare -r SD_BORDER="${BOLD}------------------------------------------------------------------------------${OFF}"
declare -r STAR_BORDER="${BOLD}******************************************************************************${OFF}"
# bold yellow > < pair
declare -r R_arrow=$'\e[1;33m>\e[0m'
declare -r L_arrow=$'\e[1;33m<\e[0m'
usage() {
cat <<- -EOF-
Usage: $0 ${BOLD}[OPTION]
${RED}IMPORTANT:${OFF} Only supported command line switches are listed here.
For more fine-grained setups you must edit the relevant
configuration files placed under ${BOLD}common/${OFF} and ${BOLD}$(echo $PROGNAME | tr [a-z] [A-Z])/${OFF}
${BOLD} -h, --help${OFF}
print this help, then exit
${BOLD} -V, --version${OFF}
print version information, then exit
${BOLD} -B, --book VER${OFF}
use VER version of the book as the system to build.
Supported VER values are:
dev*, trunk, SVN = aliases for the Development version of {C,H}LFS
branch-NAME = a branch of name NAME
VERSION = the version of a stable released book
To know what branches and stable books work with this version of jhalfs
please see
${BOLD} -D --directory DIR${OFF}
use DIR directory for building ${BOLD}$(echo $PROGNAME | tr [a-z] [A-Z])${OFF}; all files jhalfs-X produces
will be in the directory DIR/${SCRIPT_ROOT}.
The current setting for BUILDDIR is "$BUILDDIR"
${BOLD} -G, --get-packages${OFF}
download the packages and patches. This assumes that the server declared
in the configuration file has the proper packages and patches for the
book version being processed.
${BOLD} -O, --optimize${OFF}
Optimize [0-2]
0 = no optimization
1 = optimize final system only
2 = optimize both temporary tools and final system
Edit common/opt_config{,.d/*} and common/opt_override as desired.
${BOLD} -T, --testsuites N ${OFF}
Run test suites [0-3]
0 = none
1 = only final system Glibc, GCC and Binutils testsuites
2 = all final system testsuites
3 = all temporary tools and final system testsuites
In CLFS and HLFS, 3 is an alias to 2
${BOLD} -W, --working-copy DIR${OFF}
use the local working copy placed in DIR as the $(echo $PROGNAME | tr [a-z] [A-Z]) book
${BOLD} -C, --comparison TYPE${OFF}
do iterative comparison analysis. This extends the total build time
considerably because the entire final system will rebuild itself
the number of times specified by ITERATIONS in common/config.
Types allowed are:
ICA = do ICA as designed by Greg Schafer
farce = do the farce analysis designed by Ken Moffat
both = perform both ICA and farce analysis
${BOLD} -F, --fstab FILE${OFF}
use FILE as the /etc/fstab file for the ${BOLD}$(echo $PROGNAME | tr [a-z] [A-Z])${OFF} system. If not specified,
a default /etc/fstab file with dummy values is created.
${BOLD} -K, --kernel-config FILE${OFF}
use the kernel configuration file specified in FILE to build the kernel.
if the file is not found, or if not specified, the kernel build is skipped.
${BOLD} -M, --run-make${OFF}
run make on the generated Makefile
${BOLD} -R --rebuild${OFF}
clean the build directory before performing any other task. The directory
is cleaned only if it was populated by a previous jhalfs-X run.
[[ ${PROGNAME} = "clfs" ]] &&
cat <<- -EOF-
${BOLD} -A, --arch ARCH ${OFF}
Select the TARGET architecture, valid selections are:
32bit builds
x86, i486, i586, ppc, mips, mipsel, sparc
64bit builds
x86_64-64, mips64-64, mipsel64-64, sparc64-64, alpha
64bit multi-lib
x86_64, mips64, mipsel64, sparc64, ppc64
${BOLD} --boot-config FILE ${OFF}
The configuration file for the bootstrap kernel if method=boot
Select the build method, chroot or boot
[[ ${PROGNAME} = "clfs2" ]] &&
cat <<- -EOF-
${BOLD} -A, --arch ARCH ${OFF}
Select the TARGET architecture, valid selections are:
32bit builds
64bit builds
64bit multi-lib
[[ ${PROGNAME} = "hlfs" ]] &&
cat <<- -EOF-
${BOLD} --model STYLE ${OFF}
Select the library model for the HLFS system
Valid choices are: glibc or uclibc
cat <<- -EOF-
${BOLD} \"jhalfs-X\"${OFF} builder tool (experimental) \$Rev$
${BOLD} \"${PROGNAME}\"${OFF} script module
Written by George Boudreau,
Manuel Canales Esparcia,
Jeremy Huntwork
This program is published under the ${BOLD}Gnu General Public License, Version 2.${OFF}
set -e
no_empty_builddir() {
@ -189,13 +23,6 @@ ${DD_BORDER}
help="${nl_}Try '$0 --help' for more information."
echo \"Option '\$1' requires an argument\" >&2
echo \"\$help\" >&2
exit 1"
HEADER="# This file is automatically generated by jhalfs-X
@ -474,7 +301,7 @@ wrt_RunAsRoot() { # Some scripts must be run as root..
hlfs ) MOUNT_ENV="HLFS" ;;
*) echo "undefined progname $PROGNAME"; exit 1
cat << EOF
@( time { export ${MOUNT_ENV}=\$(MOUNT_PT) && ${PROGNAME}-commands/`dirname $file`/\$@ >>logs/\$@ 2>&1 ; } ) 2>>logs/\$@ && \\

View file

@ -2,6 +2,34 @@
# $Id$
set -e
# VT100 colors
declare -r BLACK=$'\e[1;30m'
declare -r DK_GRAY=$'\e[0;30m'
declare -r RED=$'\e[31m'
declare -r GREEN=$'\e[32m'
declare -r YELLOW=$'\e[33m'
declare -r BLUE=$'\e[34m'
declare -r MAGENTA=$'\e[35m'
declare -r CYAN=$'\e[36m'
declare -r WHITE=$'\e[37m'
declare -r OFF=$'\e[0m'
declare -r BOLD=$'\e[1m'
declare -r REVERSE=$'\e[7m'
declare -r HIDDEN=$'\e[8m'
declare -r tab_=$'\t'
declare -r nl_=$'\n'
declare -r DD_BORDER="${BOLD}==============================================================================${OFF}"
declare -r SD_BORDER="${BOLD}------------------------------------------------------------------------------${OFF}"
declare -r STAR_BORDER="${BOLD}******************************************************************************${OFF}"
# bold yellow > < pair
declare -r R_arrow=$'\e[1;33m>\e[0m'
declare -r L_arrow=$'\e[1;33m<\e[0m'
#>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ERROR TRAPPING >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
@ -33,8 +61,21 @@ trap simple_error ERR
trap 'echo -e "\n\n${RED}INTERRUPT${OFF} trapped\n" && exit 2' 1 2 3 15 17 18 23
${BOLD} \"jhalfs-X\"${OFF} builder tool (experimental) \$Rev$
Written by George Boudreau and Manuel Canales Esparcia,
plus several contributions.
Based on an idea from Jeremy Huntwork
This set of files are published under the
${BOLD}Gnu General Public License, Version 2.${OFF}
if [ ! -L $0 ] ; then
echo "$version"
echo "${nl_}${tab_}${BOLD}${RED}This script cannot be called directly: EXITING ${OFF}${nl_}"
exit 1