Refactor two README files

This commit is contained in:
Pierre Labastie 2017-03-27 19:49:04 +00:00
parent 5e59386c6d
commit cc8dba9d35
2 changed files with 265 additions and 197 deletions

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@ -2,146 +2,175 @@ $Id$
This collection of scripts, known as jhalfs, strives to create
accurate makefiles from the Linux From Scratch book series XML files.
This software is an evolution of the original "jhalfs-0.2" code developed
by Jeremy Huntwork.
The scripts in this directory implement an automation of the building
of a GNU/LInux system, as described in the Linux From Scratch book series.
The name of the project is jhalfs: in that name, "alfs" stands for
"automated linux from scratch", and the initials "jh" have been kept since
the original "jhalfs-0.2" code developed by Jeremy Huntwork.
The usage of this script assumes you have read and are familiar with
the book(s) and, therefore, the configuration variables found in menuconfig
interface will have meaning to you.
The list of supported books can be found at
The list of supported books can be found at
The documentation is split among various README.* files. Here is a list
of what is in which:
- README (this file): instructions to use the LFS book. This should be
enough if you just want to build a base system as per the LFS book. It is
also a required reading for all the other projects.
- README.CLFS: supplementary instructions to use the CLFS book series.
- README.BLFS: instructions to install an automated build infrastructure
for the BLFS book. There are two ways to do so: (i) install the
tools at the end of an LFS build (CLFS is not supported in that case), or
(ii) install the tools on an already running system. Both methods are
described in that file.
- README.CUSTOM: instructions to run custom commands either during the xLFS
build, at the end of a xLFS build. Note that you will not find
instructions on how to write those commands, but some examples are
- README.PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT: instructions to use package management during
the build (only for LFS, patches welcome for CLFS...)
- README.HLFS: very short file explaining why you cannot use HLFS with the
present tool version.
*. The resulting Makefile takes considerable time to run to completion.
Lay in a supply of caffeine beverages.
*. It is recommended that you temporarily unpack your linux kernel,
run <make menuconfig>, configure the kernel as per the book and save
the resulting .config file.
*. Read carefully this file and the other README.* files before using
this tool.
Other sources of information are the context help in the menu interface,
and the xLFS books themselves.
To use this tool you MUST:
- have experience building {c,h,b}LFS packages
- know how to edit and write shell scripts
- know how a Makefile works
- be able to trace build failures and to find what is causing them
(user error, package bug, {c,h,b}LFS command bug, or jhalfs code bug)
If you do not have the above skills, please don't use this tool.
As said elsewhere, it is strongly advised that you first build manually
a complete system before attempting to automate the build.
Of course the "Host System Requirements" should be fulfilled. The needed
supplementary packages are detailed at the bottom of the page:
No installation is required. You should just run <make> in this directory.
No installation is required. You may want to move the files in this
directory to a convenient location, and then follow the instructions below.
Configuration is done through a menu based interface. See the section
RUNNING, for details.
There is no configuration of the tools themselves. The various
parameters for the build are set through a menu driven interface. See
the section RUNNING below for details.
This tool has no support at all for creating a partition and a mount
point for the built system. You should follow the book up to the section
"Mounting the new partition". Note that the default name for the
partition mount point is "/mnt/build_dir", instead of /mnt/{c,}lfs.
You can change that default to anything you'd like in the menu, so you
may name it /mnt/lfs, or whatever you like. One important point is that
the user you are logged in as (and not the (c)lfs user) should have write
permission to the mounted directory. We'll use the name /mnt/build_dir
in the sequel.
The tool can download the needed packages for you, or you may download
them yourself. The tool may optionally use a package archive directory
where the downloaded packages are stored. That directory name may be made
available to the tool in two ways: (i) export the SRC_ARCHIVE variable,
for example SRC_ARCHIVE=/usr/src, (ii) enter the name at the "Package
Archive Directory" menu prompt. Note that the user should have write
permission to that directory. If a needed package is found in that
directory, it is copied to /mnt/build_dir/sources, if not, it is
downloaded to that directory and copied to /mnt/build_dir/sources,
except if found in /mnt/build_dir/sources, in which case, it is just
copied to $SRC_ARCHIVE. If you want the tool to download packages and you
do not want to archive them, just unset SRC_ARCHIVE, and keep the
default entry for "Package Archive Directory". If you choose to download
the packages by yourself, you should download (or copy) them to
/mnt/build_dir/sources directly.
If you want to build the kernel as part of the automated build, select
"Build the kernel" in the menu. Then, a configuration file must be
provided. In order to do so, it is recommended to download the kernel
tarball, unpack it, run <make menuconfig>, configure the kernel as per
the book, and save the resulting .config file to a location where it can
be retrieved later on (a convenient location and name is
$SRC_ARCHIVE/config-<arch>-<kernel version>-<config details>).
Another file you may provide is the fstab file. To use it, select
"Use a custom fstab file" in the menu interface, and enter the name of
the file where asked. As for the kernel configuration, this file has to
be prepared before running the menu. A convenient location and name is
At a more advanced level, you may want to supply custom commands
to be run at the end of (C)LFS build. Scripts containing those commands
are located in the ./custom/config directory. Examples are given in
./custom/examples. A template is provided as ./custom/template. See
README.CUSTOM for more details.
The command <make> will launch a menu based configuration program. You will
recognize the layout from building the kernel or uClibc/BusyBox. The
underlying menu code was borrowed from BusyBox and slightly modified for
our use.
The command <make> will launch a menu based configuration program. The
underlying menu code was borrowed from BusyBox and slightly modified for
our use.
Help on parameter function is available from the on-line help. Please
make use of that feature: it may contain additional information not
duplicated in this file.
make use of that feature: it may contain additional information not
duplicated in this file.
You should first choose which book and flavour you want to build. Note
that when you choose the BLFS book, the tool will just install the BLFS
tool to your system. You'll have to run that installed tool to build
packages in BLFS. See README.BLFS to know how. If you choose any other
book, you'll have to configure the settings and the build parameters
from the menu. Note that you may choose to install the blfs tools onto
the newly built system (see below). It is not the same thing as choosing
the BLFS book in the menu, which will install the blfs tools on the
currently running system.
that when you choose the BLFS book, the tool will just install the BLFS
tool to your system. You'll have to run that installed tool to build
packages in BLFS. See README.BLFS to know how. If you choose any other
book, you'll have to configure the settings and the build parameters
from the menu. Note that you may choose to install the blfs tools onto
the newly built system. It is not the same thing as choosing
the BLFS book in the menu, which will install the blfs tools on the
currently running system.
The "General Settings" menu is where the "Build Directory" name is to be
entered. Other entries in that menu select what the tool should do. The
"Run the Makefile" entry selects whether the tool will start the build
automatically after generating the needed files. The "Rebuild files" selects
whether to clean the build directory before doing anything else. To protect
against removing important files, this can only be done in an empty directory,
or a directory previously populated by the tool.
The "Build Settings" menu is where various options for the build can be
selected. Two options, "Use a custom fstab file" and "Build the kernel",
have been described above. "Do not use/display progress_bar", if set, will
prevent a progress bar to be displayed during the build. That may be useful
on slow machine. The other options should be self explanatory, using either
the online help or book reading.
The "Advanced Features" menu is for various maintenance tasks, like
testing the build instructions or reporting build statistics. One useful
option is "Optimization and parallelisation". It is not recommended to use
it for setting compiler optimization flags, although it is possible, but
if you select it, you'll be able to select the number of parallel `make'
jobs, which allows much faster builds on modern multicore CPUs.
Once you have set the parameters and saved the configuration, the script
is launched. Its aim is to extract instructions from the selected book
to generate scripts, and to generate a Makefile, which allows running
the scripts in the right order. The script verifies first that the host
can run it and build the xLFS system, then validates the configuration
and lists the parameters. At this point, you may choose to quit or to
continue with the listed parameters. The script will then proceed to
generate the Makefile and the build scripts, optionally download
packages, and eventually verify the host prerequisite. If you have
selected "Run the makefile", the command make is launched in the
adequate directory, and the build begins. If not, you'll have to run
"make" manually, for example: "make -C /mnt/build_dir/jhalfs", if you
have used the default parameters (see the layout under $BUILDDIR in the
Q&A below).
is launched. Its aim is to extract instructions from the selected book
to generate scripts, and to generate a Makefile, which allows running
the scripts in the right order. The script verifies first that the host
can run itself and build the xLFS system, then validates the configuration
and lists the parameters. At this point, you may choose to quit or to
continue with the listed parameters. The script will then proceed to
generate the Makefile and the build scripts, optionally download
packages, and eventually verify the host prerequisite. If you have
selected "Run the makefile", the command <make> is launched in the
adequate directory, and the build begins. If not, you'll have to run
"make" manually, for example: "make -C /mnt/build_dir/jhalfs", if you
have used the default parameters (see the layout under $BUILDDIR in the
Q&A below).
You must be logged as a normal user with sudo privileges to run
the Makefile. Furthermore, you are supposed to have enough privilege
to become any user. If you are not bothered about security issues,
the entry for the user "jhalfs_user" in /etc/sudoers could be
jhalfs_user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
You must be logged as a normal user with sudo privileges to run
the Makefile. Furthermore, you are supposed to have enough privilege
to become any user. If you are not bothered about security issues,
the entry for the user "jhalfs_user" in /etc/sudoers could be
jhalfs_user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
If you run the jhalfs script directly the only function you can select
is to display the version number running <./jhalfs -v>
If you run the jhalfs script directly the only function you can select
is to display the version number by running <./jhalfs -v>
For books that support it (only LFS for jhalfs version 2.4),
there is an option to install an automated framework for building BLFS
packages. It is called blfs-tool. When you tick `BOOK Settings/Add
blfs-tool support' in jhalfs configuration menu, the tools are
installed in $BLFS_ROOT (default /blfs_root) on the xLFS system,
and a few dependencies (which you may select) are built at the
end of the jhalfs run, before the custom tools. The instructions for
building the dependencies are taken from the BLFS book.
(TODO: blfs-tools have not been tested with current (version 3.0) of CLFS,
and certainly need some adaptation to run)
WARNING:: If you add blfs-tool support on a CLFS Sysroot build
you MUST edit the scripts to fix the installation paths.
After booting the new xLFS system some steps are needed to finish
the installation of the automated tools:
- A user account must be created. You must be logged on that user
account to use blfs-tool. This is not strictly necessary,
since the packages can be built as root, too, but it is
never a good idea to build packages as root.
- Move /blfs-root to that user's home and change ownership of the
directory and files to the user.
- Give the user read and write privileges over the $TRACKING_DIR
directory and the files that it contains.
- Configure sudo, adding the needed privileges for the user. For
newer sudo version, do not forget to add a line Defaults secure_path=
containing /sbin and /usr/sbin (in /etc/sudoers), otherwise some
executables are not found.
- Although it is not strictly necessary, it is recommended to install
the bash shell startup files (as per `3.After LFS Configuration
Issues' of the BLFS book), as some instructions in BLFS rely on
their being present.
We assume that blfs-tool will be used on a running fresh xLFS system.
To use it to build BLFS packages from the chroot jail is also possible,
but not supported.
To know how to use blfs-tool, see README.BLFS.
@ -204,21 +233,16 @@ $Id$
8. FAQ::
Q. "This 'help' file is very sparse"
A. Yes, it is. This tool, jhalfs, is for those who understand the LFS books
and wish to automate the build. 99% of any problems that arise can be
solved by reading the book(s).
Q. "It doesn't work!"
A. Yes it does, try >> make
Remember you must have 'sudo' privileges.
Q. "It still doesn't work"
A. jhalfs was designed to work against the development versions of the LFS
series of books. Consequently changes in a book(s) sometimes breaks older
versions of jhalfs. Before you start pulling out your hair download the
latest version of jhalfs to see if that solves your problem.
7. FAQ::
Q. "It doesn't work"
A. There are several reasons why it may be so. One possibility is the
following:jhalfs was designed to work against the development versions
of the LFS series of books. Consequently changes in a book(s) sometimes
breaks older versions of jhalfs. Before you start pulling out your hair
download the latest version of jhalfs to see if that solves your
problem. Note that it may be the other way around. If you want to build
an old version of the book, you may have to downgrade you jahlfs
Q. "How do I specify the build location?"
A. The original LFS document worked against the well known location

View file

@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ $Id$
If you want to add blfs-tool support into an xLFS base system build,
read the "BLFS_TOOL SUPPORT" section found in the README and be sure
to follow the after-booting installation instructions.
To automate package builds from the BLFS book instructions is a huge
task. Some of the issues are: the BLFS book isn't linear; some package
pages use a custom layout; there are circular dependencies; several
@ -20,55 +16,88 @@ $Id$
To use this tool you MUST:
In addition to a full LFS system, the following packages and their
dependencies are needed by this tool:
- required: libxml2, libxslt, DocBook XML DTD
- recommended: wget (to download the package tarballs) and sudo (to build
as a user)
- optional: lynx (allows to read the generated linearized book), GPM (to
cut and paste commands from the book), subversion (to update the book
sources), openssl (used by wget for all https:// sites)
Note that the optional dependencies are recommended for ease of use of the
- have experience building BLFS packages
- know how to edit and write shell scripts
- know how a Makefile works
- be able to trace build failures and to find what is causing it
(user error, package bug, BLFS command bug, or jhalfs code bug)
You should also have the following personal skills:
- Ability to write and debug shell scripts: as said in the introduction,
not all the generated scripts can be used directly. They need to be
edited to produce an error free build.
- Ability to debug build failures, like missing dependencies or
installation directories not known to the system (when you install in
/opt for example).
- Ability to choose the tools you need to configure and administrate
your system: in the BLFS book, nothing is mandatory, nothing is
useless. You are on your own in choosing what to build, but wrong
decisions may lead to a non functional system...
If you do not have the above skills, please don't use this tool.
There are two ways to install the BLFS tools on an LFS system, described
in paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2, respectively:
3. USAGE::
Due to the complexity of the BLFS book, the scripts and Makefile
generation is done in several steps:
Select "Use Book --> Beyond Linux From Scratch" in the jhalfs menu:
The tools are installed in $HOME$BLFS_ROOT (the default for $BLFS_ROOT
is /blfs_root). The BLFS book is downloaded or copied to its directory.
The tracking directory (see below) is initialized but not created: before
the installation, you should ensure the tracking directory (default location
/var/lib/jhalfs/BLFS) exists and is writable by the user. After the
intallation, you should perform the following additional steps:
- Configure sudo, adding the needed privileges for the user. For
newer sudo version, do not forget to add a line `Defaults secure_path='
containing /sbin and /usr/sbin (in /etc/sudoers), otherwise some
executables are not found.
This tool includes a very simple tracking system to log which packages
have been installed using the tool. It is used to skip installed packages
from target selection menu and to test if an installed package has been
updated in the BLFS book. Do not rely on this feature as a package
management tool.
- Although it is not strictly necessary, it is recommended to install
the bash shell startup files (as per `3.After LFS Configuration
Issues' of the BLFS book), as some instructions in BLFS rely on
their being present.
The tracking system itself is an XML file: instpkg.xml. It is
initialized when <make> is first run in blfs_root. It resides in a
directory, which is created when needed during the process of building
custom tools or blfs dependencies, right after xLFS. You can specify
that directory location in the blfs-tools sub-menu of jhalfs. You may
need to update permissions and/or ownership of this directory before
using the blfs tool (see README in jhalfs).
The default location of the tracking directory is /var/lib/jhalfs/BLFS.
NB : after the initial build, that directory is only used to contain
instpkg.xml, unless custom tools have been built. In the latter case,
it also contains empty files whose name are "$PKG-$VERSION" for each
versionned package built. The information about those packages is
included into instpkg.xml the next time the tool is run.
For books that support it (only LFS for jhalfs version 2.4),
there is an option to install the BLFS tools right after building
the xLFS system: just tick `BOOK Settings/Add blfs-tool support' in
jhalfs configuration menu. The tools are installed in $BLFS_ROOT
(default /blfs_root) on the xLFS system, and the dependencies are built
at the end of the jhalfs run, before the custom tools.
(TODO: blfs-tools have not been tested with current (version 3.0) of CLFS,
and certainly need some adaptation to run)
3.2.1 Normal install
The tools are installed just after the building of xLFS, if the
appropriate options have been selected in the building menu, as per
jhalfs README. If you forgot to select the options and xLFS has been
built, it is possible to go back to selecting the appropriate
BLFS tools options in the jhalfs menu, then tick `Run makefile'
and not `Rebuild files'. You obtain a /blfs_root directory in the
root directory of the new xLFS system, which contains the followings:
After booting the new xLFS system some steps are needed to finish
the installation of the automated tools:
- A user account must be created. You must be logged on that user
account to use blfs-tool. This is not strictly necessary,
since the packages can be built as root, too, but it is
never a good idea to build packages as root.
- Move /blfs-root to that user's home and change ownership of the
directory and files to the user.
- Give the user read and write privileges over the $TRACKING_DIR
directory and the files that it contains.
- Configure sudo and add the bash shell startup files, as described
We assume that the BLFS tools will be used on a booted xLFS system.
Using them to build BLFS packages in a chroot jail is also possible,
but not supported.
blfs-xml/* SVN tree of the selected BLFS book version
lib/ functions libraries
@ -98,17 +127,7 @@ $Id$
database and the tracking file.
envars.conf envars needed when running the target build scripts
3.2.2 Install to an already running LFS/BLFS system
If you forgot to install the tools when building xLFS, or want to try
the tools, you can select the BLFS book from the jhalfs menu. It will
run a script, which creates the above hierarchy in your home directory and
initialize the tracking file. You have first to make sure that the tracking
dir exists and is writable by the user. You may also populate it with
(empty) files whose names are of the form package-version, for installed
packages, so that they are included into the tracking file.
3.3.3 Working files
Several files are generated during the process:
Working files: several files are generated when first running the tool
packages.xml auto-generated packages database input file for the menu driven choices
@ -118,13 +137,38 @@ $Id$
book-html/* the linearized book rendered in html
scripts/* the scriptlets
This tool includes a very simple tracking system to log which packages
have been installed using the tool. It is used to skip installed packages
from target selection menu and to test if an installed package has been
updated in the BLFS book. Do not rely on this feature as a package
management tool.
The tracking system itself is an XML file: instpkg.xml. It is
initialized when <make> is first run in blfs_root. It resides in a
directory, which is created when needed during the process of building
custom tools or blfs dependencies, right after xLFS. You can specify
that directory location in the blfs-tools sub-menu of jhalfs. You may
need to update permissions and/or ownership of this directory before
using the blfs tool (see README in jhalfs).
The default location of the tracking directory is /var/lib/jhalfs/BLFS.
NB : after the initial build, that directory is only used to contain
instpkg.xml, unless custom tools have been built. In the latter case,
it also contains empty files whose name are "$PKG-$VERSION" for each
versionned package built. The information about those packages is
included into instpkg.xml the next time the tool is run.
4. USAGE::
From now on, all the work must be done from inside the installation
root directory.
You may move that directory to the $HOME of a non root user, or build
as root from that directory.
Due to the complexity of the BLFS book, the scripts and Makefile
generation is done in several steps:
If you are using the development book version and you want to update
installed packages to the latest version found in that book, you need to
@ -142,7 +186,7 @@ $Id$
with a new version in the book will be available for target selection
and used to solve dependencies.
The next step is to create a book and build scripts in dependency
build order for one or several packages.
@ -180,7 +224,7 @@ $Id$
There is also another directory, "dependencies" that contains files
generated while resolving dependencies.
Now it is time to review the generated book and scripts, making any
changes to the scripts necessary to fix generation bugs or to suit your
@ -197,7 +241,7 @@ $Id$
Also, review and edit envars.conf. This file is used to set global envars
needed by the build scripts.
When the build scripts are ready to be run, the Makefile can be
created. Create an empty directory (for example "mkdir work") and cd
@ -206,7 +250,7 @@ $Id$
Review the Makefile, and, if all looks sane, start the build by running
In this section, known issues with the generated build scripts are
discussed. They are due to build procedures and/or BLFS layout
@ -222,14 +266,14 @@ $Id$
to another name (using the xxx-a- fields), and possibly renaming the xxx-a-
fields of each involved script.
Normally, bootscript installation should work. On the other hand, the
book does not give instruction for running them, so you might have to
manually insert "/etc/init.d/rc.d/<initscript> start" at some place during
the build.
For those packages that have a "Configuration" section, you should
edit the build script to fit the needs of your system. Sometimes, the
@ -237,7 +281,7 @@ $Id$
line 'source /etc/profile', which ensures that the proper environment
variables are used.
For example: sane, poppler, audacious, freetts, which, etc.
@ -248,7 +292,7 @@ $Id$
name (for example PKG1, PKG2, etc) after each download. The unpacking
instructions may need to be repeated for each tarball in turn.
4.4 XORG7
5.4 XORG7
The book has special page layouts for the Xorg7 packages. The tool
breaks those pages into individual pages for each packages in the linear
@ -257,13 +301,13 @@ $Id$
To build the whole Xorg7 chapter, select twm. The (recommended)
dependency chain brings in the whole set of Xorg packages.
Please, make sure that all scripts have the commands to download/apply
the required patches. Due to book layout issues, some patches may be
missing (as of BLFS 8.0, all the patches seem to be downloaded).
If building as a normal user (the default setting), be sure that all
commands that require root privileges are run using sudo. Also make sure
@ -292,7 +336,7 @@ $Id$
Due to book layout issues, some sudo commands may be missing.
There may be other issues that we are not aware of. If you find
any, please report it to <>.