- allows xorg-env to be a dependency although it is a sect2 id
- remove the ban on xorg-env in dependencies.xsl
- directly call the template mode="normal" for modules, since there are
no special cases in this case.
- treat all sect1 s, even if they do not have a xreflabel.
- the problem is when a .dep file contains pack-A pack-B pack-A. If pack-A
and pack-B have some dep in common, say pack-C, that dep is erased from
pack-B, with the idea that it will be built as a dep of pack-A. But when
the program encounters the second pack-A, it removes the first one, so that
pack-C is built before the second pack-A, but after pack-B. Sorting was
a good workaround, but removing the last line instead of the first is
much better.
- Otherwise, add Xfce and Lxde to the list of packages whose preceding
sibling is a required dep.