191 lines
5.9 KiB
191 lines
5.9 KiB
# $Id$
wrt_ica_targets() { #
local ICA_rebuild=$1
cat << EOF
ICA_rebuild: $ICA_rebuild
) >> $MKFILE
# Acknowledgment:
# The following code is a modified version of an original work written by
# Greg Schafer for the "DIY Linux" project and is included here with his
# permission.
# ref: http://www.diy-linux.org
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Here are the ICA functions.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Here we prepare for the Iterative Comparison Analysis (ICA). Essentially, we
# copy most of our chroot phase files to a new location then perform some
# manipulations on the copied files to make diff comparisons easier. The steps
# involved are:-
# (1) copy the whole tree (minus the PRUNEPATH defined below) to the CMP_DIR
# location. Use tar as it seems like the most appropriate tool for copying
# large directory trees around.
# (2) delete all symlinks.
# (3) gunzip all `*.gz' files.
# (4) delete all hardlinked files (of course trying to leaving the "master"
# intact)
# (5) convert all `*.a' files (ar archives) into a directory of the same name
# containing the unpacked object files.
# (6) fully strip the whole lot (but being careful to strip only the debug
# symbols from object `*.o' files).
do_ica_prep() { #
: <<inline_doc
input vars:
externals: --
modifies: --
returns: --
on error:
on success:
local CMP_DIR F L BN
local ALL_FILES=/tmp/allfiles.$$
local UNIQUE_FILES=/tmp/uniquefiles.$$
/dev /home /mnt /proc /root /sys /tmp /usr/src /lost+found"
if [ ! -f "${STAMP_DIR}/icaprep" ]; then
test -d "$CMP_DIR" || mkdir -p $CMP_DIR
echo -e "\n${BORDER}\n${CYAN}[ICA] - starting ICA preparation for\c"
echo -e " Iteration ${ITER}.${OFF}\n"
# Create a file that we can pass to tar as an "exclude list".
# There might be an easier way to achieve tar exclusions? Strip
# the leading /.
for F in $PRUNEPATH; do
echo ${F#*/} >> $TMP_FILE
echo -n "Copying files to ${CMP_DIR}... "
cd /
tar -X $TMP_FILE -cf - . | tar -C $CMP_DIR -xf - || {
echo -e "\n\n${RED}ERROR:${OFF} tar copy failed!\n" >&2
exit 1
echo "done."
rm -f $TMP_FILE
echo -n "Removing symbolic links in ${CMP_DIR}... "
find $CMP_DIR -type l | xargs rm -f
echo "done."
echo -n "Gunzipping \".gz\" files in ${CMP_DIR}... "
find $CMP_DIR -name '*.gz' | xargs gunzip
echo "done."
# This was a bit tricky. You'll probably have to do it by hand
# to see what's actually going on. The "sort/uniq" part is
# inspired from the example DirCmp script from the book "Shell
# Programming Examples" by Bruce Blinn, published by Prentice
# Hall. We are essentially using the `-ls' option of the find
# utility to allow manipulations based on inode numbers.
# FIXME - this is a bit unreliable - rem out for now
#echo -n "Removing hardlinked file copies in ${CMP_DIR}... "
#find $CMP_DIR -ls | sort -n > $ALL_FILES
#find $CMP_DIR -ls | sort -n -u > $UNIQUE_FILES
#cat $UNIQUE_FILES $ALL_FILES | sort | uniq -u | awk '{ print $11 }' | xargs rm -f
#echo "done."
# ar archives contain date & time stamp info that causes us
# grief when trying to find differences. Here we perform some
# hackery to allow easy diffing. Essentially, replace each
# archive with a dir of the same name and extract the object
# files from the archive into this dir. Despite their names,
# libieee.a & libmcheck.a are not actual ar archives.
echo -n "Extracting object files from \".a\" files in ${CMP_DIR}... "
L=$(find $CMP_DIR -name '*.a' ! -name 'libieee.a' ! -name 'libmcheck.a')
for F in $L; do
mv $F ${F}.XX
mkdir $F
cd $F
ar x ../${BN}.XX || {
echo -e "\n\n${RED}ERROR:${OFF} ar archive extraction failed!\n" >&2
exit 1
rm -f ../${BN}.XX
echo "done."
echo -n "Stripping (debug) symbols from \".o\" files in ${CMP_DIR}... "
find $CMP_DIR -name '*.o' | xargs strip -p -g 2>/dev/null
echo "done."
echo -n "Stripping (all) symbols from files OTHER THAN \".o\" files in ${CMP_DIR}... "
find $CMP_DIR ! -name '*.o' | xargs strip -p 2>/dev/null || :
echo "done."
echo -e "\n${CYAN}[ICA] - ICA preparation for Iteration ${ITER}\c"
echo -e " complete.${OFF}\n${BORDER}"
do_stamp icaprep
do_ica_work() { # Do the ICA grunt work.
: <<inline_doc
usage: do_ica_work 1 2
do_ica_work 2 3
input vars: $1 iteration number to use
$2 iteration number to use
externals: --
modifies: --
returns: --
on error:
on success:
local ICA_DIR="${SCRATCH_DIR}/cmp"
local RAWDIFF=/tmp/rawdiff.$$
local REPORT="${SCRATCH_DIR}/logs/REPORT.${1}V${2}"
echo -n "Diffing iter${1} and iter${2}... "
diff -ur iter${1} iter${2} > $RAWDIFF || :
echo "done."
echo -e "The list of binary files that differ:\n" > $REPORT
grep "iles.*differ$" $RAWDIFF >> $REPORT
echo -e "\n" >> $REPORT
echo -e "The list of files that exist \"only in\" 1 of the directories:\n" >> $REPORT
if grep "^Only in" $RAWDIFF >/dev/null 2>&1; then
grep "^Only in" $RAWDIFF >> $REPORT
echo NONE >> $REPORT
grep -v "iles.*differ$" $RAWDIFF | grep -v "^Only in" > ${SCRATCH_DIR}/logs/${1}V${2}.ASCII.DIFF
rm -f $RAWDIFF