If both bz2 and gz formats of the same package are found in the sources dir, only the more recent one is unpacked.
1322 lines
46 KiB
Executable file
1322 lines
46 KiB
Executable file
# $Id$
unset extract_commands
extract_commands() { #
#Check for libxslt instead of just letting the script hit 'xsltproc' and fail.
test `type -p xsltproc` || eval "echo \"This feature requires libxslt.\"
exit 1"
VERSION=`grep "ENTITY version " $BOOK/general.ent | sed 's@<!ENTITY version "@@;s@">@@'`
# Start clean
if [ -d ${PROGNAME}-commands ]; then
rm -rf ${PROGNAME}-commands
mkdir -v ${PROGNAME}-commands
echo "Extracting commands... ${BOLD}START${OFF}"
echo "${tab_}Extracting commands for ${L_arrow}${BOLD}$ARCH${R_arrow} target architecture"
xsltproc --xinclude \
--nonet \
--output ./${PROGNAME}-commands/ \
$BOOK/stylesheets/dump-commands.xsl $BOOK/$ARCH-index.xml
# Grab the patches and package names.
echo "${tab_}Creating the packages and patches files" ;
for i in patches packages ; do rm -f $i ; done
grep "\-version " $BOOK/packages.ent | sed -e 's@<!ENTITY @@' \
-e 's@">@"@' \
-e '/generic/d' >> packages
# Download the vim-lang package if it must be installed
if [ "$VIMLANG" = "1" ] ; then
echo `grep "vim" packages | sed 's@vim@&-lang@'` >> packages
grep "^<\!ENTITY" $BOOK/patches.ent | sed -e 's/.* "//' -e 's/">//' >> patches
# Needed for Groff patchlevel patch
GROFFLEVEL=`grep "groff-patchlevel" $BOOK/general.ent | sed -e 's/groff-patchlevel //' \
-e 's/"//g' \
-e 's@<!ENTITY @@' \
-e 's|>||'`
sed -i 's|&groff-patchlevel;|'$GROFFLEVEL'|' patches
# Preprocess the cmd scripts..
echo "${tab_}Preprocessing the cmd scripts"
local file this_script package vrs URLs
# Create a list of URLs..
echo "${tab_}${tab_}Writing a list of URLs to filelist_.wget "
xsltproc --nonet \
--xinclude \
-o filelist_.wget \
$BOOK/stylesheets/wget.xsl \
$BOOK/$ARCH-index.xml > /dev/null 2>&1
# Loop through all the command scripts
echo "${tab_}${tab_}Modifying the cmd scripts"
for file in `ls ${PROGNAME}-commands/*/*`;do
# 1. Compress the script file (remove blank lines)
# 2. Add a variable header and a footer to selected scripts
this_script=`basename $file`
# DO NOT play with the chroot scripts.. they are used as is later
[[ `_IS_ $this_script "chroot"` ]] && continue
# Strip leading index number and misc test.. This is a miserable method
package=`echo $this_script | sed -e 's@[0-9]\{3\}-@@' \
-e 's@-static@@' \
-e 's@-final@@' \
-e 's@temp-@@' \
-e 's@-64bit@@' \
-e 's@-64@@' \
-e 's@64@@' \
-e 's@-n32@@' \
-e 's@-build@@' \
-e 's@glibc-headers@glibc@'`
# Find the package version of the command files
# A little package name manipulation
case $package in
bootscripts) package="lfs-bootscripts" ;;
kernel) package="linux" ;;
vrs=`grep "^$package-version" $JHALFSDIR/packages | sed -e 's/.* //' -e 's/"//g'`
# If $vrs isn't empty, we've got a package...
# NOTE: The included \n causes the separator to be written
# on the next line. This is for cosmetic purposes only...
# Set the appropriate 'sha-bang'.. depending of the phase..
case $package in
*introduction* | \
*changingowner* | \
*creatingdirs* | \
*createfiles* ) sha_bang=''
*) sha_bang='#!/bin/bash'
if [ "$vrs" != "" ] ; then
HEADER_STR="cd \$PKGDIR${nl_}#------------------"
PKG_URL=`grep -e "$package-$vrs.*tar." $JHALFSDIR/filelist_.wget` && true
PATCHES=`grep "$package-$vrs.*patch" $JHALFSDIR/filelist_.wget` && true
# There would be no URL for a cmd only script, reset package name
if [[ $PKG_URL = "" ]]; then
cat << EOF
set -e
`grep '.' ${file}`
) > tmp.script
mv tmp.script ${file}
done # for file in `ls $PROGNAME-commands/*/*`
# Make the scripts executable.
chmod -R +x $JHALFSDIR/${PROGNAME}-commands
# Done. Moving on...
echo "Extracting commands... ${BOLD}DONE${OFF}"
host_prep_Makefiles() { # Initialization of the system
local LFS_HOST
echo "${tab_}${GREEN}Processing... ${L_arrow}host prep files${R_arrow}"
# defined here, only for ease of reading
LFS_HOST="`echo ${MACHTYPE} | sed -e 's/unknown/cross/g' -e 's/-pc-/-cross-/g'`"
cat << EOF
@\$(call echo_message, Building)
@mkdir -v \$(MOUNT_PT)/tools && \\
rm -fv /tools && \\
ln -sv \$(MOUNT_PT)/tools /
@if [ ! -d \$(MOUNT_PT)/sources ]; then \\
mkdir \$(MOUNT_PT)/sources; \\
@chmod a+wt \$(MOUNT_PT)/sources && \\
touch \$@
024-creatingcrossdir: 023-creatingtoolsdir
@mkdir -v \$(MOUNT_PT)/cross-tools && \\
rm -fv /cross-tools && \\
ln -sv \$(MOUNT_PT)/cross-tools /
@touch \$@
025-addinguser: 024-creatingcrossdir
@\$(call echo_message, Building)
@if [ ! -d /home/lfs ]; then \\
groupadd lfs; \\
useradd -s /bin/bash -g lfs -m -k /dev/null lfs; \\
else \\
touch user-lfs-exist; \\
@chown lfs \$(MOUNT_PT) && \\
chown lfs \$(MOUNT_PT)/tools && \\
chown lfs \$(MOUNT_PT)/cross-tools && \\
chown lfs \$(MOUNT_PT)/sources && \\
touch \$@
026-settingenvironment: 025-addinguser
@\$(call echo_message, Building)
@if [ -f /home/lfs/.bashrc -a ! -f /home/lfs/.bashrc.XXX ]; then \\
mv -v /home/lfs/.bashrc /home/lfs/.bashrc.XXX; \\
@if [ -f /home/lfs/.bash_profile -a ! -f /home/lfs/.bash_profile.XXX ]; then \\
mv -v /home/lfs/.bash_profile /home/lfs/.bash_profile.XXX; \\
@echo "set +h" > /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\
echo "umask 022" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\
echo "LFS=\$(MOUNT_PT)" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\
echo "LC_ALL=POSIX" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\
echo "PATH=/cross-tools/bin:/bin:/usr/bin" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\
echo "export LFS LC_ALL PATH" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\
echo "" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\
echo "unset CFLAGS" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\
echo "unset CXXFLAGS" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\
echo "" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\
echo "export LFS_HOST=\"${LFS_HOST}\"" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\
echo "export LFS_TARGET=\"${TARGET}\"" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\
echo "export LFS_TARGET32=\"${TARGET32}\"" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\
echo "source $JHALFSDIR/envars" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc
@chown lfs:lfs /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\
touch envars && \\
touch \$@
) >> $MKFILE.tmp
cross_tools_Makefiles() { #
echo "${tab_}${GREEN}Processing... ${L_arrow}cross tools${R_arrow}"
for file in cross-tools/* ; do
# Keep the script file name
this_script=`basename $file`
# Skip this script...
case $this_script in
*cflags* | *variables* ) # work done in host_prep_Makefiles
continue; ;;
*) ;;
# Set the dependency for the first target.
if [ -z $PREV ] ; then PREV=026-settingenvironment ; fi
# First append each name of the script files to a list (this will become
# the names of the targets in the Makefile
cross_tools="$cross_tools $this_script"
# Grab the name of the target (minus the -headers or -cross in the case of gcc
# and binutils in chapter 5)
name=`echo $this_script | sed -e 's@[0-9]\{3\}-@@' \
-e 's@-static@@' \
-e 's@-final@@' \
-e 's@-headers@@' \
-e 's@-64@@' \
-e 's@-n32@@'`
# Adjust 'name' and patch a few scripts on the fly..
case $name in
linux-libc) name=linux-libc-headers ;;
# Find the version of the command files, if it corresponds with the building of a specific package
vrs=`grep "^$name-version" $JHALFSDIR/packages | sed -e 's/.* //' -e 's/"//g'`
# >>>>>>>> START BUILDING A Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Drop in the name of the target on a new line, and the previous target
# as a dependency. Also call the echo_message function.
echo -e "\n$this_script: $PREV\n\t@\$(call echo_message, Building)" >> $MKFILE.tmp
# If $vrs isn't empty, we've got a package...
[[ "$vrs" != "" ]] && wrt_unpack "$name-$vrs.tar.*" && echo -e '\ttrue' >> $MKFILE.tmp
wrt_run_as_lfs "${this_script}" "${file}"
[[ "$vrs" != "" ]] && wrt_remove_build_dirs "${name}"
# Include a touch of the target name so make can check if it's already been made.
echo -e '\t@touch $@' >> $MKFILE.tmp
# >>>>>>>> END OF Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Keep the script file name for Makefile dependencies.
done # for file in ....
temptools_Makefiles() { #
echo "${tab_}${GREEN}Processing... ${L_arrow}temp system${R_arrow}"
for file in temp-system/* ; do
# Keep the script file name
this_script=`basename $file`
# First append each name of the script files to a list (this will become
# the names of the targets in the Makefile
temptools="$temptools $this_script"
# Grab the name of the target, strip id number, XXX-script
name=`echo $this_script | sed -e 's@[0-9]\{3\}-@@'`
# Find the version of the command files, if it corresponds with the building of a specific package
vrs=`grep "^$name-version" $JHALFSDIR/packages | sed -e 's/.* //' -e 's/"//g'`
# >>>>>>>> START BUILDING A Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Drop in the name of the target on a new line, and the previous target
# as a dependency. Also call the echo_message function.
echo -e "\n$this_script: $PREV\n\t@\$(call echo_message, Building)" >> $MKFILE.tmp
# If $vrs isn't empty, we've got a package...
# Insert instructions for unpacking the package and to set the PKGDIR variable.
[[ "$vrs" != "" ]] && wrt_unpack "$name-$vrs.tar.*" && echo -e '\ttrue' >> $MKFILE.tmp
wrt_run_as_lfs "${this_script}" "${file}"
[[ "$vrs" != "" ]] && wrt_remove_build_dirs "${name}"
# Include a touch of the target name so make can check if it's already been made.
echo -e '\t@touch $@' >> $MKFILE.tmp
# >>>>>>>> END OF Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Keep the script file name for Makefile dependencies.
done # for file in ....
boot_Makefiles() { #
echo "${tab_}${GREEN}Processing... ${L_arrow}boot${R_arrow}"
for file in boot/* ; do
# Keep the script file name
this_script=`basename $file`
# A little housekeeping on the scripts
case $this_script in
*grub*) continue ;;
*whatnext*) continue ;;
*settingenvironment*) sed 's@PS1=@set +h\nPS1=@' -i $file ;;
*kernel) # if there is no kernel config file do not build the kernel
[[ -z $CONFIG ]] && continue
sed "s|make mrproper|make mrproper\ncp $CONFIG .config|" -i $file
# You cannot run menuconfig from within the makefile
sed 's|menuconfig|oldconfig|' -i $file
#If defined include the keymap in the kernel
if [[ -n "$KEYMAP" ]]; then
sed "s|^loadkeys -m.*>|loadkeys -m $KEYMAP >|" -i $file
sed '/loadkeys -m/d' -i $file
sed '/drivers\/char/d' -i $file
# First append each name of the script files to a list (this will become
# the names of the targets in the Makefile
boottools="$boottools $this_script"
# Grab the name of the target, strip id number and misc words.
case $this_script in
*kernel) name=linux ;;
*bootscripts) name=lfs-bootscripts ;;
*) name=`echo $this_script | sed -e 's@[0-9]\{3\}-@@' -e 's@-build@@' ` ;;
vrs=`grep "^$name-version" $JHALFSDIR/packages | sed -e 's/.* //' -e 's/"//g'`
# >>>>>>>> START BUILDING A Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Drop in the name of the target on a new line, and the previous target
# as a dependency. Also call the echo_message function.
echo -e "\n$this_script: $PREV\n\t@\$(call echo_message, Building)" >> $MKFILE.tmp
# If $vrs isn't empty, we've got a package...
# Insert instructions for unpacking the package and changing directories
[[ "$vrs" != "" ]] && wrt_unpack "$name-$vrs.tar.*"
# Select a script execution method
case $this_script in
*changingowner*) wrt_run_as_root "${this_script}" "${file}" ;;
*devices*) wrt_run_as_root "${this_script}" "${file}" ;;
*fstab*) if [[ -n "$FSTAB" ]]; then
wrt_copy_fstab "${this_script}"
wrt_run_as_lfs "${this_script}" "${file}"
*) wrt_run_as_lfs "${this_script}" "${file}" ;;
# Housekeeping...remove any build directory(ies) except if the package build fails.
[[ "$vrs" != "" ]] && wrt_remove_build_dirs "${name}"
# Include a touch of the target name so make can check if it's already been made.
echo -e '\t@touch $@' >> $MKFILE.tmp
# >>>>>>>> END OF Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Keep the script file name for Makefile dependencies.
# This will force the Makefile to exit and not allow it to be restarted with
# the command <make>, The user will have to issue the cmd <make chapterXX>
echo -e "\t@\$(call echo_boot_finished,$VERSION) && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp
echo -e "\tfalse" >> $MKFILE.tmp
chroot_Makefiles() { #
echo "${tab_}${GREEN}Processing... ${L_arrow}chroot${R_arrow}"
for file in chroot/* ; do
# Keep the script file name
this_script=`basename $file`
# Skipping scripts is done now and not included in the build tree.
[[ `_IS_ $this_script chroot` ]] && continue
# First append each name of the script files to a list (this will become
# the names of the targets in the Makefile
chroottools="$chroottools $this_script"
# A little housekeeping on the script contents
case $this_script in
*kernfs*) sed '/exit/d' -i $file ;;
*pwdgroup*) sed '/exec/d' -i $file ;;
# Grab the name of the target, strip id number, XXX-script
name=`echo $this_script | sed -e 's@[0-9]\{3\}-@@'`
vrs=`grep "^$name-version" $JHALFSDIR/packages | sed -e 's/.* //' -e 's/"//g'`
# >>>>>>>> START BUILDING A Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Drop in the name of the target on a new line, and the previous target
# as a dependency. Also call the echo_message function.
echo -e "\n$this_script: $PREV\n\t@\$(call echo_message, Building)" >> $MKFILE.tmp
# If $vrs isn't empty, we've got a package...
# Insert instructions for unpacking the package and changing directories
if [ "$vrs" != "" ] ; then
case $this_script in
*util-linux) wrt_unpack "$name-$vrs.tar.*"
echo -e '\ttrue' >> $MKFILE.tmp
*) wrt_unpack2 "$name-$vrs.tar.*"
# Select a script execution method
case $this_script in
*kernfs) wrt_run_as_root "${this_script}" "${file}" ;;
*util-linux) wrt_run_as_lfs "${this_script}" "${file}" ;;
*) wrt_run_as_chroot1 "${this_script}" "${file}" ;;
# Housekeeping...remove the build directory(ies), except if the package build fails.
[[ "$vrs" != "" ]] && wrt_remove_build_dirs "${name}"
# Include a touch of the target name so make can check if it's already been made.
echo -e '\t@touch $@' >> $MKFILE.tmp
# >>>>>>>> END OF Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Keep the script file name for Makefile dependencies.
done # for file in...
testsuite_tools_Makefiles() { #
echo "${tab_}${GREEN}Processing... ${L_arrow}testsuite tools${R_arrow}"
for file in testsuite-tools/* ; do
# Keep the script file name
this_script=`basename $file`
# First append each name of the script files to a list (this will become
# the names of the targets in the Makefile
testsuitetools="$testsuitetools $this_script"
# Grab the name of the target, strip id number, XXX-script
name=`echo $this_script | sed -e 's@[0-9]\{3\}-@@'\
-e 's@-64bit@@' \
-e 's@-64@@' \
-e 's@64@@' \
-e 's@n32@@'`
vrs=`grep "^$name-version" $JHALFSDIR/packages | sed -e 's/.* //' -e 's/"//g'`
# >>>>>>>> START BUILDING A Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Drop in the name of the target on a new line, and the previous target
# as a dependency. Also call the echo_message function.
echo -e "\n$this_script: $PREV\n\t@\$(call echo_message, Building)" >> $MKFILE.tmp
case $name in
tcl) wrt_unpack2 "$name$vrs-src.tar.*" ;;
*) wrt_unpack2 "$name-$vrs.tar.*" ;;
wrt_run_as_chroot1 "${this_script}" "${file}"
wrt_remove_build_dirs "${name}"
# Include a touch of the target name so make can check if it's already been made.
echo -e '\t@touch $@' >> $MKFILE.tmp
# >>>>>>>> END OF Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Keep the script file name for Makefile dependencies.
bm_testsuite_tools_Makefiles() { #
echo "${tab_}${GREEN}Processing... ${L_arrow}(minimal boot) testsuite tools${R_arrow}"
for file in testsuite-tools/* ; do
# Keep the script file name
this_script=`basename $file`
# First append each name of the script files to a list (this will become
# the names of the targets in the Makefile
testsuitetools="$testsuitetools $this_script"
# Grab the name of the target, strip id number, XXX-script
name=`echo $this_script | sed -e 's@[0-9]\{3\}-@@'\
-e 's@-64bit@@' \
-e 's@-64@@' \
-e 's@64@@' \
-e 's@n32@@'`
vrs=`grep "^$name-version" $JHALFSDIR/packages | sed -e 's/.* //' -e 's/"//g'`
# >>>>>>>> START BUILDING A Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Drop in the name of the target on a new line, and the previous target
# as a dependency. Also call the echo_message function.
echo -e "\n$this_script: $PREV\n\t@\$(call echo_message, Building)" >> $MKFILE.tmp
case $name in
tcl) wrt_unpack3 "$name$vrs-src.tar.*" ;;
*) wrt_unpack3 "$name-$vrs.tar.*" ;;
wrt_run_as_root2 "${this_script}" "${file}"
wrt_remove_build_dirs2 "${name}"
# Include a touch of the target name so make can check if it's already been made.
echo -e '\t@touch $@' >> $MKFILE.tmp
# >>>>>>>> END OF Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Keep the script file name for Makefile dependencies.
final_system_Makefiles() { #
echo "${tab_}${GREEN}Processing... ${L_arrow}final system${R_arrow}"
for file in final-system/* ; do
# Keep the script file name
this_script=`basename $file`
# Skipping scripts is done now so they are not included in the Makefile.
case $this_script in
*stripping*) continue ;;
*grub*) continue ;;
# First append each name of the script files to a list (this will become
# the names of the targets in the Makefile
basicsystem="$basicsystem $this_script"
# A little customizing via sed scripts first..
if [[ $TEST = "0" ]]; then
# Drop any package checks..
sed -e '/make check/d' -e '/make test/d' -i $file
case $this_script in
*coreutils*) sed 's@set -e@set -e; set +h@' -i $file ;;
*groff*) sed "s@\*\*EDITME.*EDITME\*\*@$PAGE@" -i $file ;;
*vim*) sed '/vim -c/d' -i $file ;;
*bash*) sed '/exec /d' -i $file ;;
*shadow*) sed -e '/grpconv/d' -e '/pwconv/d' -e '/passwd root/d' -i $file
sed '/sed -i libtool/d' -i $file
sed '/search_path/d' -i $file
*glibc*) sed '/tzselect/d' -i $file
sed "s@\*\*EDITME.*EDITME\*\*@$TIMEZONE@" -i $file
# Manipulate glibc's test to work with Makefile
sed -e 's/glibc-check-log.*//' \
-e 's@make -k check >@make -k check >glibc-check-log 2>\&1 || true\ngrep Error glibc-check-log || true@' -i $file
*binutils*) sed '/expect /d' -i $file
if [[ $TOOLCHAINTEST = "0" ]]; then
sed '/make check/d' -i $file
*gcc*) # Ignore all gcc testing for now..
sed -e '/make -k check/d' -i $file
sed -e '/test_summary/d' -i $file
*texinfo*) # This sucks as a way to trim a script
sed -e '/cd \/usr/d' \
-e '/rm dir/d' \
-e '/for f in/d' \
-e '/do inst/d' \
-e '/done/d' -i $file
# Grab the name of the target, strip id number, XXX-script
name=`echo $this_script | sed -e 's@[0-9]\{3\}-@@' \
-e 's@temp-@@' \
-e 's@-64bit@@' \
-e 's@-64@@' \
-e 's@64@@' \
-e 's@n32@@'`
vrs=`grep "^$name-version" $JHALFSDIR/packages | sed -e 's/.* //' -e 's/"//g'`
# >>>>>>>> START BUILDING A Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Drop in the name of the target on a new line, and the previous target
# as a dependency. Also call the echo_message function.
echo -e "\n$this_script: $PREV\n\t@\$(call echo_message, Building)" >> $MKFILE.tmp
# If $vrs isn't empty, we've got a package...
if [ "$vrs" != "" ] ; then
case $name in
temp-perl) wrt_unpack2 "perl-$vrs.tar.*" ;;
*) wrt_unpack2 "$name-$vrs.tar.*" ;;
# Export a few 'config' vars..
case $this_script in
*glibc*) # For glibc we can set then TIMEZONE envar.
wrt_export_timezone ;;
*groff*) # For Groff we need to set PAGE envar.
wrt_export_pagesize ;;
wrt_run_as_chroot1 "${this_script}" "${file}"
[[ "$vrs" != "" ]] && wrt_remove_build_dirs "${name}"
# Include a touch of the target name so make can check if it's already been made.
echo -e '\t@touch $@' >> $MKFILE.tmp
# >>>>>>>> END OF Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Keep the script file name for Makefile dependencies.
done # for file in final-system/* ...
bm_final_system_Makefiles() { #
echo "${tab_}${GREEN}Processing... ${L_arrow}(minimal boot) final system${R_arrow}"
for file in final-system/* ; do
# Keep the script file name
this_script=`basename $file`
# Skipping scripts is done now so they are not included in the Makefile.
case $this_script in
*stripping*) continue ;;
*grub*) continue ;;
# First append each name of the script files to a list (this will become
# the names of the targets in the Makefile
basicsystem="$basicsystem $this_script"
# A little customizing via sed scripts first..
if [[ $TEST = "0" ]]; then
# Drop any package checks..
sed -e '/make check/d' -e '/make test/d' -i $file
case $this_script in
*coreutils*) sed 's@set -e@set -e; set +h@' -i $file ;;
*groff*) sed "s@\*\*EDITME.*EDITME\*\*@$PAGE@" -i $file ;;
*vim*) sed '/vim -c/d' -i $file ;;
*bash*) sed '/exec /d' -i $file ;;
*shadow*) sed -e '/grpconv/d' \
-e '/pwconv/d' \
-e '/passwd root/d' -i $file
sed '/sed -i libtool/d' -i $file
sed '/search_path/d' -i $file
*psmisc*) # Build fails on creation of this link. <pidof> installed in sysvinit
sed -e 's/^ln -s/#ln -s/' -i $file
*glibc*) sed '/tzselect/d' -i $file
sed "s@\*\*EDITME.*EDITME\*\*@$TIMEZONE@" -i $file
# Manipulate glibc's test to work with Makefile
sed -e 's/glibc-check-log.*//' -e 's@make -k check >@make -k check >glibc-check-log 2>\&1 || true\ngrep Error glibc-check-log || true@' -i $file
*binutils*) sed '/expect /d' -i $file
if [[ $TOOLCHAINTEST = "0" ]]; then
sed '/make check/d' -i $file
*gcc*) # Ignore all gcc testing for now..
sed -e '/make -k check/d' -i $file
sed -e '/test_summary/d' -i $file
*texinfo*) # This sucks as a way to trim a script
sed -e '/cd \/usr/d' \
-e '/rm dir/d' \
-e '/for f in/d' \
-e '/do inst/d' \
-e '/done/d' -i $file
# Grab the name of the target, strip id number, XXX-script
name=`echo $this_script | sed -e 's@[0-9]\{3\}-@@' \
-e 's@temp-@@' \
-e 's@-64bit@@' \
-e 's@-64@@' \
-e 's@64@@' \
-e 's@n32@@'`
vrs=`grep "^$name-version" $JHALFSDIR/packages | sed -e 's/.* //' -e 's/"//g'`
# >>>>>>>> START BUILDING A Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Drop in the name of the target on a new line, and the previous target
# as a dependency. Also call the echo_message function.
echo -e "\n$this_script: $PREV\n\t@\$(call echo_message, Building)" >> $MKFILE.tmp
# If $vrs isn't empty, we've got a package...
if [ "$vrs" != "" ] ; then
case $name in
temp-perl) wrt_unpack3 "perl-$vrs.tar.*" ;;
*) wrt_unpack3 "$name-$vrs.tar.*" ;;
# Export a few 'config' vars..
case $this_script in
*glibc*) # For glibc we can set then TIMEZONE envar.
echo -e '\t@echo "export TIMEZONE=$(TIMEZONE)" >> envars' >> $MKFILE.tmp ;;
*groff*) # For Groff we need to set PAGE envar.
echo -e '\t@echo "export PAGE=$(PAGE)" >> envars' >> $MKFILE.tmp ;;
wrt_run_as_root2 "${this_script}" "${file}"
[[ "$vrs" != "" ]] && wrt_remove_build_dirs2 "${name}"
# Include a touch of the target name so make can check if it's already been made.
echo -e '\t@touch $@' >> $MKFILE.tmp
# >>>>>>>> END OF Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Keep the script file name for Makefile dependencies.
done # for file in final-system/* ...
bootscripts_Makefiles() { #
echo "${tab_}${GREEN}Processing... ${L_arrow}bootscripts${R_arrow}"
for file in bootscripts/* ; do
# Keep the script file name
this_script=`basename $file`
case $this_script in
*udev*) continue ;; # This is not a script but a commentary
*console*) continue ;; # Use the files that came with the bootscripts
*) ;;
# First append each name of the script files to a list (this will become
# the names of the targets in the Makefile
bootscripttools="$bootscripttools $this_script"
# A little bit of script modification
case $this_script in
*profile*) # Over-ride the book cmds, write our own simple one.
cat <<- EOF
cat > /etc/profile << "_EOF_"
# Begin /etc/profile
export LC_ALL=${LC_ALL}
export LANG=${LANG}
export INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc
# End /etc/profile
) > $file
# Grab the name of the target, strip id number, XXX-script
name=`echo $this_script | sed -e 's@[0-9]\{3\}-@@'\
-e 's@-64bit@@' \
-e 's@-64@@' \
-e 's@64@@' \
-e 's@n32@@'`
if [[ `_IS_ $name bootscripts` ]]; then name=lfs-bootscripts; fi
vrs=`grep "^$name-version" $JHALFSDIR/packages | sed -e 's/.* //' -e 's/"//g'`
# >>>>>>>> START BUILDING A Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Drop in the name of the target on a new line, and the previous target
# as a dependency. Also call the echo_message function.
echo -e "\n$this_script: $PREV\n\t@\$(call echo_message, Building)" >> $MKFILE.tmp
# If $vrs isn't empty, we've got a package...
[[ "$vrs" != "" ]] && wrt_unpack2 "$name-$vrs.tar.*"
wrt_run_as_chroot1 "${this_script}" "${file}"
[[ "$vrs" != "" ]] && wrt_remove_build_dirs "${name}"
# Include a touch of the target name so make can check if it's already been made.
echo -e '\t@touch $@' >> $MKFILE.tmp
# >>>>>>>> END OF Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Keep the script file name for Makefile dependencies.
done # for file in bootscripts/* ...
bm_bootscripts_Makefiles() { #
echo "${tab_}${GREEN}Processing... ${L_arrow}(minimal boot) bootscripts${R_arrow}"
for file in bootscripts/* ; do
# Keep the script file name
this_script=`basename $file`
case $this_script in
*udev*) continue ;; # This is not a script but a commentary
*console*) continue ;; # Use the files that came with the bootscripts
*) ;;
# First append each name of the script files to a list (this will become
# the names of the targets in the Makefile
bootscripttools="$bootscripttools $this_script"
# A little bit of script modification
case $this_script in
*profile*) # Over-ride the book cmds, write our own simple one.
cat <<- EOF
cat > /etc/profile << "_EOF_"
# Begin /etc/profile
export LC_ALL=${LC_ALL}
export LANG=${LANG}
export INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc
# End /etc/profile
) > $file
# Grab the name of the target, strip id number, XXX-script
name=`echo $this_script | sed -e 's@[0-9]\{3\}-@@'\
-e 's@-64bit@@' \
-e 's@-64@@' \
-e 's@64@@' \
-e 's@n32@@'`
if [[ `_IS_ $name bootscripts` ]]; then name=lfs-bootscripts; fi
vrs=`grep "^$name-version" $JHALFSDIR/packages | sed -e 's/.* //' -e 's/"//g'`
# >>>>>>>> START BUILDING A Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Drop in the name of the target on a new line, and the previous target
# as a dependency. Also call the echo_message function.
echo -e "\n$this_script: $PREV\n\t@\$(call echo_message, Building)" >> $MKFILE.tmp
# If $vrs isn't empty, we've got a package...
[[ "$vrs" != "" ]] && wrt_unpack3 "$name-$vrs.tar.*"
wrt_run_as_root2 "${this_script}" "${file}"
[[ "$vrs" != "" ]] && wrt_remove_build_dirs2 "${name}"
# Include a touch of the target name so make can check if it's already been made.
echo -e '\t@touch $@' >> $MKFILE.tmp
# >>>>>>>> END OF Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Keep the script file name for Makefile dependencies.
done # for file in bootscripts/* ...
bootable_Makefiles() { #
echo "${tab_}${GREEN}Processing... ${L_arrow}make bootable${R_arrow}"
for file in bootable/* ; do
# Keep the script file name
this_script=`basename $file`
# A little housekeeping on the scripts
case $this_script in
*grub*) continue ;;
# if there is no kernel config file do not build the kernel
[[ -z $CONFIG ]] && continue
sed "s|make mrproper|make mrproper\ncp $CONFIG .config|" -i $file
# You cannot run menuconfig from within the makefile
sed 's|menuconfig|oldconfig|' -i $file
# If defined include the keymap in the kernel
if [[ -n "$KEYMAP" ]]; then
sed "s|^loadkeys -m.*>|loadkeys -m $KEYMAP >|" -i $file
sed '/loadkeys -m/d' -i $file
sed '/drivers\/char/d' -i $file
# First append each name of the script files to a list (this will become
# the names of the targets in the Makefile
bootabletools="$bootabletools $this_script"
# Grab the name of the target, strip id number and misc words.
name=`echo $this_script | sed -e 's@[0-9]\{3\}-@@' -e 's@-build@@' `
[[ `_IS_ $this_script "kernel"` ]] && name=linux
vrs=`grep "^$name-version" $JHALFSDIR/packages | sed -e 's/.* //' -e 's/"//g'`
# >>>>>>>> START BUILDING A Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Drop in the name of the target on a new line, and the previous target
# as a dependency. Also call the echo_message function.
echo -e "\n$this_script: $PREV\n\t@\$(call echo_message, Building)" >> $MKFILE.tmp
# If $vrs isn't empty, we've got a package...
# Insert instructions for unpacking the package and changing directories
[[ "$vrs" != "" ]] && wrt_unpack "$name-$vrs.tar.*"
# Select a script execution method
case $this_script in
*fstab*) if [[ -n "$FSTAB" ]]; then
wrt_copy_fstab "${this_script}"
wrt_run_as_lfs "${this_script}" "${file}"
*) wrt_run_as_lfs "${this_script}" "${file}" ;;
# Housekeeping...remove any build directory(ies) except if the package build fails.
[[ "$vrs" != "" ]] && wrt_remove_build_dirs "${name}"
# Include a touch of the target name so make can check if it's already been made.
echo -e '\t@touch $@' >> $MKFILE.tmp
# >>>>>>>> END OF Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Keep the script file name for Makefile dependencies.
bm_bootable_Makefiles() { #
echo "${tab_}${GREEN}Processing... ${L_arrow}(minimal boot) make bootable${R_arrow}"
for file in bootable/* ; do
# Keep the script file name
this_script=`basename $file`
# A little housekeeping on the scripts
case $this_script in
*grub*) continue ;;
# if there is no kernel config file do not build the kernel
[[ -z $CONFIG ]] && continue
cfg_file="/sources/`basename $CONFIG`"
sed "s|make mrproper|make mrproper\ncp $cfg_file .config|" -i $file
# You cannot run menuconfig from within the makefile
sed 's|menuconfig|oldconfig|' -i $file
# If defined include the keymap in the kernel
if [[ -n "$KEYMAP" ]]; then
sed "s|^loadkeys -m.*>|loadkeys -m $KEYMAP >|" -i $file
sed '/loadkeys -m/d' -i $file
sed '/drivers\/char/d' -i $file
# First append each name of the script files to a list (this will become
# the names of the targets in the Makefile
bootabletools="$bootabletools $this_script"
# Grab the name of the target, strip id number and misc words.
case $this_script in
*kernel) name=linux
*) name=`echo $this_script | sed -e 's@[0-9]\{3\}-@@' -e 's@-build@@' ` ;;
vrs=`grep "^$name-version" $JHALFSDIR/packages | sed -e 's/.* //' -e 's/"//g'`
# >>>>>>>> START BUILDING A Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Drop in the name of the target on a new line, and the previous target
# as a dependency. Also call the echo_message function.
echo -e "\n$this_script: $PREV\n\t@\$(call echo_message, Building)" >> $MKFILE.tmp
# If $vrs isn't empty, we've got a package...
# Insert instructions for unpacking the package and changing directories
[[ "$vrs" != "" ]] && wrt_unpack3 "$name-$vrs.tar.*"
# Select a script execution method
case $this_script in
*fstab*) if [[ -n "$FSTAB" ]]; then
wrt_copy_fstab2 "${this_script}"
wrt_run_as_root2 "${this_script}" "${file}"
*) wrt_run_as_root2 "${this_script}" "${file}" ;;
# Housekeeping...remove any build directory(ies) except if the package build fails.
[[ "$vrs" != "" ]] && wrt_remove_build_dirs2 "${name}"
# Include a touch of the target name so make can check if it's already been made.
echo -e '\t@touch $@' >> $MKFILE.tmp
# >>>>>>>> END OF Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
# Keep the script file name for Makefile dependencies.
the_end_Makefiles() { #
echo "${tab_}${GREEN}Processing... ${L_arrow}THE END${R_arrow}"
build_Makefile() { # Construct a Makefile from the book scripts
echo "Creating Makefile... ${BOLD}START${OFF}"
cd $JHALFSDIR/${PROGNAME}-commands
# Start with a clean Makefile.tmp file
if [[ $BOOTMINIMAL = "0" ]]; then
if [[ $TOOLCHAINTEST = "1" ]]; then
boot_Makefiles # This phase must die at the end of its run..
if [[ $TOOLCHAINTEST = "1" ]]; then
# the_end_Makefiles
# Add a header, some variables and include the function file
# to the top of the real Makefile.
cat << EOF
SRC= /sources
include makefile-functions
# Add chroot commands
for file in chroot/*chroot* ; do
chroot=`cat $file | sed -e '/#!\/bin\/sh/d' \
-e '/^export/d' \
-e '/^logout/d' \
-e 's@ \\\@ @g' | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/ */ /g' \
-e 's|\\$|&&|g' \
-e 's|exit||g' \
-e 's|$| -c|' \
-e 's|"$$LFS"|$(MOUNT_PT)|'\
-e 's|set -e||'`
echo -e "CHROOT$i= $chroot\n" >> $MKFILE
i=`expr $i + 1`
# Drop in the main target 'all:' and the chapter targets with each sub-target
# as a dependency.
cat << EOF
all: chapter2 chapter3 chapter4 chapter5 chapter6 chapter7 chapter8
@\$(call echo_finished,$VERSION)
chapter2: 023-creatingtoolsdir 024-creatingcrossdir 025-addinguser 026-settingenvironment
chapter3: chapter2 $cross_tools
chapter4: chapter3 $temptools
chapter5: chapter4 $chroottools $boottools
chapter6: chapter5 $basicsystem
chapter7: chapter6 $bootscripttools
chapter8: chapter7 $bootabletools
clean-all: clean
rm -rf ./{${PROGNAME}-commands,logs,Makefile,dump-clfs-scripts.xsl,functions,packages,patches}
clean: clean-chapter4 clean-chapter3 clean-chapter2
-if [ ! -f user-lfs-exist ]; then \\
userdel lfs; \\
rm -rf /home/lfs; \\
rm -rf \$(MOUNT_PT)/tools
rm -f /tools
rm -rf \$(MOUNT_PT)/cross-tools
rm -f /cross-tools
rm -f envars user-lfs-exist
rm -f 02* logs/02*.log
rm -rf \$(MOUNT_PT)/tools/*
rm -f $cross_tools restore-lfs-env sources-dir
cd logs && rm -f $cross_tools && cd ..
-umount \$(MOUNT_PT)/sys
-umount \$(MOUNT_PT)/proc
-umount \$(MOUNT_PT)/dev/shm
-umount \$(MOUNT_PT)/dev/pts
-umount \$(MOUNT_PT)/dev
rm -rf \$(MOUNT_PT)/{bin,boot,dev,etc,home,lib,lib64,media,mnt,opt,proc,root,sbin,srv,sys,tmp,usr,var}
rm -f $temptools
cd logs && rm -f $temptools && cd ..
@\$(call echo_message, Building)
@if [ -f /home/lfs/.bashrc.XXX ]; then \\
mv -fv /home/lfs/.bashrc.XXX /home/lfs/.bashrc; \\
@if [ -f /home/lfs/.bash_profile.XXX ]; then \\
mv -v /home/lfs/.bash_profile.XXX /home/lfs/.bash_profile; \\
@chown lfs:lfs /home/lfs/.bash* && \\
touch \$@
) >> $MKFILE
# Bring over the items from the Makefile.tmp
cat $MKFILE.tmp >> $MKFILE
rm $MKFILE.tmp
echo "Creating Makefile... ${BOLD}DONE${OFF}"