I have tried to install new windows machine for buildkite and updated some scrips and docs on along the way. - Updated base image for k8s agent installation as it gave a warning that previous version was old. - Now buildkite secret is configured in a powershell script along with tags (and possible other parameters). - Split "windows_agent_start.ps1" to "..jenkins" and "..buildkite" as some parameters are different. - Created a "windows-development" machine in GCP stat can be resumed to build docker images / expriment.
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# Playbooks
## deployment to a clean infrastructure
General remarks:
* GCP does not route any traffic to your services unless the service is "healthy". It might take a few minutes after startup before the services is classified as healthy. Until then you will only see some generic error message.
These are the steps to set up the build server on a clean infrastructure:
1. Configure the tools on your local machine:
If you not running docker under your user, you might need to
`sudo gcloud auth login --no-launch-browser && gcloud auth configure-docker`
before running other commands under sudo.
1. Delete the old cluster, if it still exists:
cd kubernetes/cluster
1. Create the cluster:
cd kubernetes/cluster
1. Create the disk storage, if it does not yet exist:
cd kubernetes/cluster
1. SSH into the VM instance mounting the volume, find the mount point and then set
# go to the mount point of the volume
cd /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/kubernetes.io/gce-pd/mounts/jenkins-home
# change the permissions
sudo chmod a+rwx
1. Push the docker images to gcr.io:
cd containers
#for each subfolder:
./build_deploy.sh <foldername>
1. Deploy the stack:
cd kubernetes
1. Configure it
## creating basic authentication for reverse proxy
1. create auth file, based on [ingress-nginx documentation](https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/tree/master/docs/examples/auth/basic)
cd kubernetes/reverse-proxy
htpasswd -c auth <username>
# enter password at prompt
# add more users as required
kubectl create secret generic proxy-auth --from-file=auth --namespace=jenkins
## Creating docker containers on Windows
If you want to build/update/test docker container for Windows, you need to do this on a Windows machine.
**Note**: There is an existing *windows-development* machine that you can resume and use for development. Please stop it after use.
Here are the instructions to set up such a machine on GCP.
1. Pick a GCP Windows image with Desktop Support.
* pick a "persistent SSD" as boot Disk. This is much faster
* (optionally) add a "local scratch SSD" and use it as you workspace. This will make builds faster, but you **will not be able to stop** this instance and will have to kill and re-create it again.
* make sure that you give enough permissions in "Identity and API access" to be able to e.g. push new docker images to GCR.
1. Format the local SSD partition and use it as workspace.
1. install [Chocolately](https://chocolatey.org/docs/installation):
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
1. Install development tools: `choco install -y git googlechrome vscode`
1. (optionally) If you want to be able to push changes to github, you need to set up your github SSH keys and user name:
git config --global user.name <your name>
git config --global user.email <your email>
1. Install [Docker Enterprise](https://docs.docker.com/ee/docker-ee/windows/docker-ee/) and reboot:
Install-Module DockerMsftProvider -Force
Install-Package Docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider -Force
1. Configure the Docker credentials for GCP:
gcloud init # set options according to ./k8s_config here
gcloud components install docker-credential-gcr
docker-credential-gcr configure-docker
1. To build and run the current agent run:
cd c:\
git clone https://github.com/google/llvm-premerge-checks
cd llvm-premerge-checks\containers
.\build_deploy.ps1 agent-windows-buildkite # or agent-windows-jenkins
c:\llvm-premerge-check\scripts\windows_agent_start_buildkite.ps1 # or windows_agent_start_jenkins.ps1
## Spawning a new windows agent
To spawn a new windows agent:
1. Go to the [GCP page](https://pantheon.corp.google.com/compute/instances?project=llvm-premerge-checks&instancessize=50) and pick a new number for the agent.
1. Run `kubernetes/windows_agent_create.sh agent-windows-<number>`
1. Go to the [GCP page](https://pantheon.corp.google.com/compute/instances?project=llvm-premerge-checks&instancessize=50) again
1. login to the new machine via RDP (you will need a RDP client, e.g. Chrome app).
1. In the RDP session: run these commands in the CMD window under Administrator to bootstrap the Windows machine:
Invoke-WebRequest -uri 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/google/llvm-premerge-checks/master/scripts/windows_agent_bootstrap.ps1' -OutFile windows_agent_bootstrap.ps1
Ignore the pop-up to format the new disk andw wait for the machine to reboot.
1. Create `c:\credentials` folder with the agent credentials:
For *Buildkite* add file `buildkite-env.ps1`:
$Env:buildkiteAgentToken = "secret-token"
$Env:BUILDKITE_AGENT_TAGS = "queue=premerge;os=windows"
For *Jenkins*: `build-agent-results_key.json` to access cloud storage copy from one of the existing machines.
1. Start the container `C:\llvm-premerge-checks\scripts\windows_agent_start_[buildkite|jenkins].ps1 `
## Testing scripts locally
Build and run agent docker image `sudo ./containers/build_run.sh agent-debian-testing-ssd /bin/bash`.
Within a container set environment variables similar to [pipeline](https://github.com/google/llvm-premerge-checks/blob/master/Jenkins/Phabricator-pipeline/Jenkinsfile).
Additionally set `WORKSPACE`, `PHID` and `DIFF_ID` parameters. Set `CONDUIT_TOKEN` with your personal one from `https://reviews.llvm.org/settings/user/<USERNAME>/page/apitokens/`.
# Phabricator integration
The general flow for builds on Phabricator is:
1. A user uploads a *Diff* (=patch) to a *Revision* (set of Diffs with comments and buildstatus, ... ).
2. A *Herald* checks if one of the *rules* matches this event.
3. You can use the rules to trigger a *Build* in *Harbormaster*.
4. Harbor sends an HTTP request to the Jenkins server.
5. Jenkins executes the build. In the last step of the build, a script is uploading the results to Phabricator.
6. Phabricator sets the build status and displays the results.
## Herald
We currently have these Herald rules to configure the builds:
* Triggering builds for everyone:
* [H576](https://reviews.llvm.org/H576) This will only trigger for non-beta testers.
* Triggering the beta-test builds:
* [H511](https://reviews.llvm.org/H511) or the beta testers, this is for testing new features.
* [H552](https://reviews.llvm.org/H552) for all changes to MLIR (archived)
* [H527](https://reviews.llvm.org/H527) for all changes to clang-extra-tools (archived)
You can *archive* a rule to disable it.
## Harbormaster
We have these build plans in Harbormaster:
* [Plan 4](https://reviews.llvm.org/harbormaster/plan/4/) Builds for everyone
* [Plan 3](https://reviews.llvm.org/harbormaster/plan/3/) Builds for beta testers
You can *disable* a build plan to stop it from building.
## Per user Opt in/out
You can also on a per-user bases opt in/out to premerge testing.
* To opt-in to pre-merge beta testing, add yourself to this project:
* To opt-out of pre-merge testing entirely, add yourself to this project:
These projects are checked in the Herald rules above.