Devon Maloney
New Crowdin translations (#1741)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Chinese Simplified)
2020-04-18 09:36:29 -07:00 |
Devon Maloney
New Crowdin translations (#1740)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Arabic)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Arabic)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Arabic)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Afrikaans)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Afrikaans)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Afrikaans)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Dutch)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Dutch)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Dutch)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Danish)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Danish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Danish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Finnish)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Finnish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Finnish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Catalan)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Catalan)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Catalan)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Croatian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Czech)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Czech)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Czech)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Croatian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Croatian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Japanese)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Japanese)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Japanese)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Italian)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Italian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Italian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Malay)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Malay)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Malay)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Korean)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Korean)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Korean)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Greek)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Greek)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Greek)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (German)
* New translations seedminer.txt (German)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (German)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Serbian (Cyrillic))
* New translations seedminer.txt (Serbian (Cyrillic))
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Serbian (Cyrillic))
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Russian)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Russian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Russian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Swedish)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Swedish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Swedish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Spanish)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Spanish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Spanish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Polish)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Polish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Polish)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Romanian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Romanian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Romanian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Thai)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Thai)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Thai)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Turkish)
* New translations seedminer.txt (Turkish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Turkish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (French)
2020-04-18 08:08:56 -07:00 |
Ian Burgwin
use new subdomain
2020-04-18 07:01:24 -07:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations region-changing.txt (Chinese Simplified) (#1737)
2020-04-18 04:31:28 -07:00 |
Devon Maloney
New Crowdin translations (#1736)
* New translations donations.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations donations.txt (Czech)
* New translations donations.txt (Croatian)
* New translations donations.txt (Arabic)
* New translations donations.txt (Afrikaans)
* New translations donations.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations donations.txt (Catalan)
* New translations donations.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations donations.txt (Greek)
* New translations donations.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations donations.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations donations.txt (Dutch)
* New translations donations.txt (Danish)
* New translations donations.txt (French)
* New translations donations.txt (German)
* New translations donations.txt (Finnish)
* New translations donations.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations donations.txt (Polish)
* New translations donations.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations donations.txt (Japanese)
* New translations donations.txt (Italian)
* New translations donations.txt (Malay)
* New translations donations.txt (Korean)
* New translations donations.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations donations.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations donations.txt (Turkish)
* New translations donations.txt (Thai)
* New translations donations.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations donations.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations donations.txt (Serbian (Cyrillic))
* New translations donations.txt (Russian)
* New translations donations.txt (Romanian)
* New translations donations.txt (Swedish)
* New translations donations.txt (Spanish)
2020-04-16 20:32:47 -07:00 |
Ian Burgwin
donations: remove $15 default
2020-04-16 19:17:41 -07:00 |
Devon Maloney
New Crowdin translations (#1734)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Czech)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Croatian)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Arabic)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Afrikaans)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Catalan)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Greek)
* New translations region-changing.txt (German)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Danish)
* New translations region-changing.txt (French)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Dutch)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Finnish)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Malay)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Korean)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Italian)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Japanese)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Polish)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Russian)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Serbian (Cyrillic))
* New translations region-changing.txt (Romanian)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Turkish)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Spanish)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Swedish)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Thai)
* New translations region-changing.txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
2020-04-15 18:09:58 -07:00 |
Devon Maloney
New Crowdin translations (#1724)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Italian)
* New translations godmode9-usage.txt (French)
* New translations home.txt (French)
* New translations get-started.txt (French)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(soundhax).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (French)
* New translations get-started.txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(soundhax).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(mset).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (French)
* New translations ntrboot.txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations ntrboot.txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (French)
* New translations region-changing.txt (French)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (French)
* New translations site-navigation.txt (French)
* New translations troubleshooting.txt (French)
* New translations site-navigation.txt (French)
* New translations troubleshooting.txt (French)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (French)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (French)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (French)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (French)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (French)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (French)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Dutch)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(3ds-single-system).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (German)
* New translations ntrboot.txt (German)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (German)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (German)
* New translations file-extensions-(windows).txt (German)
* New translations en_US.yml (Dutch)
* New translations en_US.yml (Finnish)
* New translations en_US.yml (German)
* New translations bannerbomb3.txt (German)
* New translations region-changing.txt (German)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Korean)
* New translations faq.txt (Korean)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Korean)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(3ds-single-system).txt (Korean)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(nds).txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).txt (Korean)
* New translations f3-(linux).txt (Malay)
* New translations ctrtransfer.txt (Japanese)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Japanese)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(3ds-single-system).txt (Japanese)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations en_US.yml (Malay)
* New translations en_US.yml (Korean)
* New translations en_US.yml (Japanese)
* New translations en_US.yml (Hungarian)
* New translations en_US.yml (Hebrew)
* New translations en_US.yml (Greek)
* New translations faq.txt (Malay)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Malay)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Greek)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(mset).txt (Greek)
* New translations ctrtransfer.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations en_US.yml (Norwegian)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations godmode9-usage.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations troubleshooting.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations move-emunand.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(soundhax).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(dsi).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations ntrboot.txt (Swedish)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (Swedish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Swedish)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Swedish)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Swedish)
* New translations godmode9-usage.txt (Swedish)
* New translations troubleshooting.txt (Swedish)
* New translations move-emunand.txt (Swedish)
* New translations en_US.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations en_US.yml (Swedish)
* New translations en_US.yml (Portuguese)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Swedish)
* New translations h2testw-(windows).txt (Swedish)
* New translations f3x-(mac).txt (Swedish)
* New translations f3-(linux).txt (Swedish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Spanish)
* New translations bannerbomb3.txt (Spanish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations move-emunand.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations f3x-(mac).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations ctrtransfer.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(nds).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations ntrboot.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(3ds-single-system).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations en_US.yml (Turkish)
* New translations ctrtransfer.txt (Turkish)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(3ds-multi-system).txt (Turkish)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(dsi).txt (Turkish)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (Turkish)
* New translations bannerbomb3.txt (Turkish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Turkish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(soundhax).txt (Turkish)
* New translations move-emunand.txt (Turkish)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Turkish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations donations.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations donations.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations donations.txt (Croatian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Catalan)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Afrikaans)
* New translations donations.txt (Arabic)
* New translations donations.txt (Afrikaans)
* New translations donations.txt (Catalan)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Arabic)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (French)
* New translations donations.txt (German)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Finnish)
* New translations donations.txt (French)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Greek)
* New translations donations.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (German)
* New translations donations.txt (Greek)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Czech)
* New translations donations.txt (Danish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Croatian)
* New translations donations.txt (Czech)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Dutch)
* New translations donations.txt (Finnish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Danish)
* New translations donations.txt (Dutch)
* New translations donations.txt (Malay)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Korean)
* New translations donations.txt (Korean)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Japanese)
* New translations donations.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations donations.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Malay)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations donations.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations donations.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Italian)
* New translations donations.txt (Japanese)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations donations.txt (Italian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations donations.txt (Polish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Serbian (Cyrillic))
* New translations donations.txt (Spanish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Russian)
* New translations donations.txt (Serbian (Cyrillic))
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Swedish)
* New translations donations.txt (Thai)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Spanish)
* New translations donations.txt (Swedish)
* New translations donations.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations donations.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Polish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Romanian)
* New translations donations.txt (Russian)
* New translations donations.txt (Romanian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations donations.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations donations.txt (Turkish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Thai)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Turkish)
* New translations donations.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Catalan)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Afrikaans)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Arabic)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Dutch)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (French)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Finnish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Croatian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Danish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Czech)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Italian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (German)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Greek)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Japanese)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Malay)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Korean)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Polish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Spanish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Serbian (Cyrillic))
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Thai)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Swedish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Russian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Romanian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Turkish)
2020-04-15 17:18:47 -07:00 |
update TWiLightMenu++ link on region changing page
2020-04-15 20:15:42 -04:00 |
Ian Burgwin
privacy-policy: remove extra line about ads
2020-04-15 04:29:38 -07:00 |
Ian Burgwin
site-navigation: remove why-ads
2020-04-15 02:23:00 -07:00 |
Ian Burgwin
donations: make paypal url an actual link
2020-04-15 02:19:42 -07:00 |
Ian Burgwin
remove why-ads
2020-04-15 02:15:04 -07:00 |
Ian Burgwin
donations: change paypal link, remove bitcoin and ethereum
2020-04-15 02:13:29 -07:00 |
Ian Burgwin
privacy-policy: remove ads notice and email
2020-04-15 02:08:45 -07:00 |
update some stuff
make it easier to understand where boot.3dsx is from
2020-03-07 07:50:45 -05:00 |
Update finalizing-setup.txt
gm9 1.9.1 says lvl 1 instead of lvl 2 now
2020-03-07 07:40:17 -05:00 |
Update finalizing-setup.txt
2020-02-21 10:22:06 -08:00 |
11.13 exists i guess and somebody read the guide (#1726)
2020-01-24 14:53:27 -05:00 |
Remove the seperate download links for the homebrew launcher where they aren't needed. (#1723)
2020-01-07 18:38:34 -05:00 |
update version in supported note
because someone reads this
2019-12-02 18:56:48 -08:00 |
update version table for 11.13
2019-12-02 18:55:57 -08:00 |
Update required reading for 11.12, because somebody actually reads required reading
2019-11-21 22:50:42 -05:00 |
update version table for 11.12
there was an nfirm update, but b9stool has been updated and everything else is confirmed to work fine
2019-11-04 23:18:21 -05:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Catalan)
2019-10-07 21:52:57 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Chinese Simplified)
2019-10-07 21:52:56 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Chinese Traditional)
2019-10-07 21:52:55 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Croatian)
2019-10-07 21:52:53 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Czech)
2019-10-07 21:52:52 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Danish)
2019-10-07 21:52:51 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Dutch)
2019-10-07 21:52:50 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Finnish)
2019-10-07 21:52:48 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (French)
2019-10-07 21:52:47 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (German)
2019-10-07 21:52:46 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Greek)
2019-10-07 21:52:45 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Arabic)
2019-10-07 21:52:43 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Hebrew)
2019-10-07 21:52:42 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Indonesian)
2019-10-07 21:52:41 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Italian)
2019-10-07 21:52:40 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Japanese)
2019-10-07 21:52:39 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Korean)
2019-10-07 21:52:37 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Malay)
2019-10-07 21:52:36 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Norwegian)
2019-10-07 21:52:35 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Pirate English)
2019-10-07 21:52:33 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Polish)
2019-10-07 21:52:32 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Portuguese)
2019-10-07 21:52:31 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
2019-10-07 21:52:30 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Hungarian)
2019-10-07 21:52:28 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Romanian)
2019-10-07 21:52:27 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Afrikaans)
2019-10-07 21:52:26 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Ukrainian)
2019-10-07 21:52:25 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Dutch)
2019-10-07 21:52:24 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Finnish)
2019-10-07 21:52:22 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (French)
2019-10-07 21:52:21 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (German)
2019-10-07 21:52:20 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Greek)
2019-10-07 21:52:19 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Hebrew)
2019-10-07 21:52:18 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Hungarian)
2019-10-07 21:52:17 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Indonesian)
2019-10-07 21:52:15 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Italian)
2019-10-07 21:52:14 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Japanese)
2019-10-07 21:52:13 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Korean)
2019-10-07 21:52:12 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Vietnamese)
2019-10-07 21:52:11 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Malay)
2019-10-07 21:52:09 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Pirate English)
2019-10-07 21:52:08 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Polish)
2019-10-07 21:52:07 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Portuguese)
2019-10-07 21:52:06 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Romanian)
2019-10-07 21:52:05 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Russian)
2019-10-07 21:52:03 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Serbian (Cyrillic))
2019-10-07 21:52:02 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Spanish)
2019-10-07 21:52:01 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Swedish)
2019-10-07 21:52:00 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Thai)
2019-10-07 21:51:59 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Turkish)
2019-10-07 21:51:57 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Norwegian)
2019-10-07 21:51:56 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Danish)
2019-10-07 21:51:55 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Russian)
2019-10-07 21:51:54 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Spanish)
2019-10-07 21:51:52 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Polish)
2019-10-07 21:51:51 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Portuguese)
2019-10-07 21:51:50 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Romanian)
2019-10-07 21:51:49 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Russian)
2019-10-07 21:51:48 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Serbian (Cyrillic))
2019-10-07 21:51:46 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Spanish)
2019-10-07 21:51:45 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Swedish)
2019-10-07 21:51:44 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Thai)
2019-10-07 21:51:43 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Turkish)
2019-10-07 21:51:41 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Ukrainian)
2019-10-07 21:51:39 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Vietnamese)
2019-10-07 21:51:38 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (Pirate English)
2019-10-07 21:51:37 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Afrikaans)
2019-10-07 21:51:36 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Catalan)
2019-10-07 21:51:34 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Chinese Simplified)
2019-10-07 21:51:33 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Croatian)
2019-10-07 21:51:32 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Czech)
2019-10-07 21:51:31 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Danish)
2019-10-07 21:51:29 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Dutch)
2019-10-07 21:51:28 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Finnish)
2019-10-07 21:51:27 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
2019-10-07 21:51:25 -04:00 |
Devon Maloney
New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (German)
2019-10-07 21:51:24 -04:00 |